Addition / Subtraction of Decimal Fractions When adding / subtracting decimal fractions. Be sure to “ line up “ your decimals to keep the place values the same. Add / Subtract each column just like whole numbers, placing the decimal in the answer directly below the decimals in the original problem.
EXAMPLE # 1 : ADD Addition / Subtraction of Decimal Fractions
When adding / subtracting decimal fractions. Be sure to “ line up “ your decimals to keep the place values the same. Add / Subtract each column just like whole numbers, placing the decimal in the answer directly below the decimals in the original problem. EXAMPLE # 1 : ADD Notice how I lined up the decimals… Addition / Subtraction of Decimal Fractions
When adding / subtracting decimal fractions. Be sure to “ line up “ your decimals to keep the place values the same. Add / Subtract each column just like whole numbers, placing the decimal in the answer directly below the decimals in the original problem. EXAMPLE # 1 : ADD Now add as usual, carry if needed… Addition / Subtraction of Decimal Fractions
When adding / subtracting decimal fractions. Be sure to “ line up “ your decimals to keep the place values the same. Add / Subtract each column just like whole numbers, placing the decimal in the answer directly below the decimals in the original problem. EXAMPLE # 2 : ADD Addition / Subtraction of Decimal Fractions
When adding / subtracting decimal fractions. Be sure to “ line up “ your decimals to keep the place values the same. Add / Subtract each column just like whole numbers, placing the decimal in the answer directly below the decimals in the original problem. EXAMPLE # 2 : ADD Once again, I lined up the decimals… + Addition / Subtraction of Decimal Fractions
When adding / subtracting decimal fractions. Be sure to “ line up “ your decimals to keep the place values the same. Add / Subtract each column just like whole numbers, placing the decimal in the answer directly below the decimals in the original problem. EXAMPLE # 2 : ADD Now add as usual, carry if needed… Addition / Subtraction of Decimal Fractions
When adding / subtracting decimal fractions. Be sure to “ line up “ your decimals to keep the place values the same. Add / Subtract each column just like whole numbers, placing the decimal in the answer directly below the decimals in the original problem. EXAMPLE # 3 : SUBTRACT 44.6 – 24.3 Addition / Subtraction of Decimal Fractions
When adding / subtracting decimal fractions. Be sure to “ line up “ your decimals to keep the place values the same. Add / Subtract each column just like whole numbers, placing the decimal in the answer directly below the decimals in the original problem. EXAMPLE # 3 : SUBTRACT 44.6 – Line up your decimals… Addition / Subtraction of Decimal Fractions
When adding / subtracting decimal fractions. Be sure to “ line up “ your decimals to keep the place values the same. Add / Subtract each column just like whole numbers, placing the decimal in the answer directly below the decimals in the original problem. EXAMPLE # 3 : SUBTRACT 44.6 – Subtract as usual… 20.3 Addition / Subtraction of Decimal Fractions
When adding / subtracting decimal fractions. Be sure to “ line up “ your decimals to keep the place values the same. Add / Subtract each column just like whole numbers, placing the decimal in the answer directly below the decimals in the original problem. EXAMPLE # 4 : SUBTRACT – Addition / Subtraction of Decimal Fractions
When adding / subtracting decimal fractions. Be sure to “ line up “ your decimals to keep the place values the same. Add / Subtract each column just like whole numbers, placing the decimal in the answer directly below the decimals in the original problem. EXAMPLE # 4 : SUBTRACT – Line up your decimals… Addition / Subtraction of Decimal Fractions
When adding / subtracting decimal fractions. Be sure to “ line up “ your decimals to keep the place values the same. Add / Subtract each column just like whole numbers, placing the decimal in the answer directly below the decimals in the original problem. EXAMPLE # 4 : SUBTRACT – Subtract as usual…you might have to borrow Addition / Subtraction of Decimal Fractions
APPLICATIONS Many working drawings use toleranced dimensions. A tolerance is the difference that is allowed in the size of the part. The dimensions on this shim show the basic size and the tolerance
APPLICATIONS To find the largest allowable dimensions, we will add the desired dimension and the “+” tolerance
APPLICATIONS To find the largest allowable dimensions, we will add the desired dimension and the “+” tolerance.
APPLICATIONS To find the largest allowable dimensions, we will add the desired dimension and the “+” tolerance. To find the smallest allowable dimension, we will subtract the “ – “ tolerance from the desired dimension. 6 1
APPLICATIONS EXAMPLE : Find dimensions A and B in the figure below A B
APPLICATIONS EXAMPLE : Find dimensions A and B in the figure below A B
APPLICATIONS EXAMPLE : Find dimensions A and B in the figure below A B
APPLICATIONS EXAMPLE : Find dimensions A and B in the figure below A B
APPLICATIONS EXAMPLE : Find dimensions A and B in the figure below A B
APPLICATIONS EXAMPLE : Find dimensions A and B in the figure below A B
APPLICATIONS EXAMPLE : Find dimensions A and B in the figure below A B