Written and Illustrated By Georgia Dedicated to Hannah
One warm summer day Hannah was going exploring.
When Hannah walked a little further she saw a sign. It said “DOG LAND THIS WAY.” Hannah loved dogs so she followed the sign. DOG LAND THIS WAY Wow! Dog Land!
When Hannah got to Dog Land she saw lots and lots of dogs! Wow! There’s tons of dogs here! WOOF When Hannah got to Dog Land she was so amazed! There was so many dogs!
Hannah walked a little further and she saw the biggest dog she had ever seen! She guessed that it was the king of Dog Land. Yes I am Hi! I’m Hannah are you the king of Dog Land?
I have to go check on my dogs? Would you like to come with me? Yah sure! Hannah was going to go back to check the dogs with the king of Dog Land
When Hannah went back to check on the dogs with the king of Dog Land, all of the dogs were gone! Oh no! All of the Dogs are gone! Oh no!
So Hannah and the king of Dog Land went to find the dogs.
DOG FOOD DOG FOOD DOG FOOD DOG FOOD DOG FOOD DOG FOOD DOG FOOD DOG FOOD DOG FOOD DOG FOOD DOG FOOD DOG FOOD The first place that Hannah and the king of Dog Land looked was the dog food shelves and guess what she found? All of the dogs! Wow! We found all of the dogs!
The first place that Hannah and the king of Dog Land look was in the building where all the dog food was DOG LAND ENTERANCE DOG LAND ENTERANCE
I wonder why they ran away Yah! It’s very unusual for them to run away Hannah and the king of Dog Land are trying to figure out why the dogs ran away.
Why did you guys run away? The king of Dog Land asks the dogs why they ran away.
One of the puppies told the king of Dog Land and Hannah why they ran away. We ran away because we were hungry Well you could have just asked me!
We’re sorry!!!! One of the dogs said sorry for what they did.
Reading Comprehension 1.What was the girls name?What was the girls name? 2. What season was it?What season was it? 3. What did the sign say?What did the sign say? 4. How many dogs were there?How many dogs were there? 5. Were did the girl and the king of Dog Land find the dogs?Were did the girl and the king of Dog Land find the dogs?