Egypt Sabrina & Amanda Grade 4 Mr. Gordon March 12
Map of Egypt
Location Of Egypt Africa is the continent Egypt is found on.
Popuiation Of Eg ypt Population of Egypt, according to a survey conducted in July 2007, is estimated to be around 80,335,036.
The climate in Egypt Thursday Feb. 26 Friday Feb. 27 Saturday Feb. 28 Sunday Mar. 1 Cloudy periods Scattered showersCloudy with showers 21°C19°C12°C16°C 11°C12°C8°C9°C
3 Interesting facts O t h e r n a m e s A f r i c a n B u s h D o g A f r i c a 1 Other names African Bush Dog African Bark less Dog Ango Angari Avuvi Congo Dog Zande Dog Egyptian or African Dingo Country of origin 2. These are called nilometers. Ancient Egyptians devised irrigation systems, reservoirs and ways of measuring floods. 3 The Egyptian game of Sent is one of the world's oldest known board game island in Aswan Ancient The Egyptian game of Sent is one of the world's oldest known board game island in Aswan
A special thanks to the grade 4 class for listening The End from Amanda and Sabrina Closing