Grace Kim CSA 592 Spring 2010 Community College Transfer Program: Process Evaluation
Literature Review What Makes for a Successful Transfer? Level of engagement and having a sense of belonging Being academically challenged and adequately prepared Opportunities to meet with counselors and faculty
Program Overview Purpose of the Program: “The goal of the Transfer Achievement Program (TAP) is to encourage and support students in their goal of transferring to a four-year college or university. This goal is met by offering a comprehensive, student-centered instructional, and peer- supportive program tailored to meet the needs of today's community college students.”
Program Benefits Guaranteed classes. Additional personal and academic support from instructors, counselors, and peer facilitators. Opportunities to develop a peer support system. Classes in college success and career and life planning. Encouragement to visit leading universities and colleges. Close relationship with a TAP counselor to ensure a successful transfer.
Participants Seventy participants were chosen through convenience sampling. All the participants were currently enrolled in a TAP counseling class, which allowed for a large sample. All the participants have been in the TAP program for at least one semester or more. Participants’ ages ranged from 18 to 45, with a mean of 19.5 years of age.
Methodology Quantitative & Qualitative Methods Multiple Choice Likert Scale Open ended questions Local Instrument Convenience Sampling Data Analysis Survey Monkey is my Hero.
Results Quantitative Results The students found the following to be beneficial to their learning: Instructors Counselors Supplemental Instruction Peer Facilitators Guaranteed Courses Qualitative Results The most frequent way that participants reported making friends was through sharing classes with one another. “Since the classes are smaller and I see some of the same people in my classes, it was easier for me to make friends in this program.” “Having a lot of the same classmates in my English, Math, and Counseling classes has made it much easier to develop relationships with the other students in the TAP program.” Other: Homework together, studying together, going to study labs, and going out to eat.
Increase Counselor and Instructor Support Utilizing peer support systems Expanding the role of Peer Facilitators Increase Supplemental Instruction for Math Courses Future Study: Shared Classes aka Learning Communities Suggestions for Practice