2Peter, #2 False Teachers & The Day of the Lord 2Peter 2-3
2Peter, #2 False Teachers & The Day of the Lord Connections…. to the previous epistle is that one must be free of disease (chp.2) and keep the eye on the goal (chp.3) to be able to overcome persecution to the previous chapter of this epistle is vv.20-21; i.e. that “no prophecy…is of one’s own interpretation” and “no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will” This is exactly what false prophets do!
2Peter, #2 False Teachers & The Day of the Lord The Three C’s of False Teachers Their Conduct- vv.1-3 “You will know them by their fruits.” Matt.7:15-16 Their Condemnation- vv.4-9 “whose end shall be according to their deeds” 2cor.11:15 Their Characteristics- vv “flattering people for the sake of gaining an advantage” Jude 15
2Peter, #2 False Teachers & The Day of the Lord First, Their Conduct, vv.1-3 “Secretly introduce” Disguise and trickery conceal their identity and purpose, cf. 2Cor.11:13 “destructive heresies” Heresies are doctrines or opinions contrary to truth, cf. 1:3. Truth saves- thus that which is contrary destroys. Specifically, this heresy led to the denial of Jesus as Master. cf. Gen.3:4-5
2Peter, #2 False Teachers & The Day of the Lord First, Their Conduct, vv.1-3 is motivated by Sensuality If it “feels good” or is “beneficial to me”. This was the sad commentary at the end of the period of Judges, Judges 21:25. will cause “truth” to be maligned These fail to heed the warning of Jesus in Matthew 18:6-7. This is instead of Truth’s purpose, 1Tim.1:5 Basically, their conduct is characterized by Greed and Exploitation.
2Peter, #2 False Teachers & The Day of the Lord Second, Their Condemnation, vv.4-9 God did not spare: >Angels when they sinned, v.4 >Ancient world in the days of Noah, v.5 >Sodom and Gomorrah, vv.6-8 And so He will not spare False Teachers who: -secretly introduce destructive heresies -malign truth through sensuality -exploit people with false words!
2Peter, #2 False Teachers & The Day of the Lord Third, Their Characteristics, vv Indulgent of the Flesh, v.10a Those who “say and do not” Matt.23:3 Despise Authority, v.10b-13 Their strong self-will and refusal to submit causes them to be rebellious by nature. “Eyes full of Adultery” vv Literally, “eyes full of an adulteress”. He is so intent on his own desires that he cannot see anything but exploitation & gratification of his own lusts.
2Peter, #2 False Teachers & The Day of the Lord Third, Their Characteristics, vv “Springs without water….” v.17 Only the appearance of sustenance without any substance. Words are arrogant, vain, and sensual, v.18 Paul warned Timothy of the same type of times and people, 2Tim.4:3-4. Promise Freedom while being Slaves of corruption, v.19 They are, as we say, “All talk!”
2Peter, #2 False Teachers & The Day of the Lord Their Conclusion? vv Worse than they began! v.20 Once saved, then entangled &“overcome” is worse than having never begun. How so? >They would not have brought reproach upon the Cause of Christ by their examples. >They would not have led others who sought truth into the same! >Greater knowledge yields greater responsibility, cf. Luke 12:47-48.
2Peter, #2 False Teachers & The Day of the Lord The Day of the Lord 3:1-7 Peter reminds his readers to “remember” vv.1-2 That… Not everyone knows and believes that it will come, vv.1-7 >some mock following their lust instead, v.3 >they assume uniformitarianism, v.4 >they also ignore history, vv.5-6 The Truth? Judgment is coming! v.7
2Peter, #2 False Teachers & The Day of the Lord The Day of the Lord 3:8-13 Why should “they” not deter you? -The Lord’s clock/calendar is different, v.8 -He is patient not slow, v.9 So “It” will come: >like a thief- unexpectedly, v.10a >and destroy the present to prepare for the potential, v.10b Since all will be destroyed, what should you do and be? v.11a
2Peter, #2 False Teachers & The Day of the Lord The Day of the Lord 3:8-13 You should: -be holy and godly in conduct, v.11b -be expectant and eager in mind and attitude, vv So…. >give diligence to being peaceful, spotless, and blameless, v.14 >understand the patience of our Lord produces salvation, v.15 > v.9b >and don’t let your guard down! v.17
2Peter, #2 False Teachers & The Day of the Lord and Grow! in grace and in knowledge, v.18. It is the surest way for you to overcome persecution and attain heaven. This is the Spirit’s message through Peter to the faithful facing difficult times.