Parkside M.S. Announcements Monday January 11, 2016 Panther Day
Rachel’s First Five Tuesday:
8 th Grade Chorus All 8th grade chorus students auditioning for All-District Chorus, please remember your bus permission form for your Audition at Bull Run Middle School, Tuesday, January 12. Remember your water bottle and snack plus your 2 copies of sight reading and your music!!!
Math Club There is a meeting on Thursday
After School Math Program Begins todayy. If you are a 6 th or 7 th grader that has signed up for this program, you must attend the program on Tuesday and Thursday after school.
Jeans 4 Teens Homeless Youth & Teen Statistics & Facts Approximately 1.7 million young people call the streets home every year. Nearly 20,000 homeless people 24 years old and younger live in New York City. Children under 18 accounted for 39% of the homeless population. – Of that number, approximately 42% were younger than age 5. Approximately 40% of homeless youth identify as LGBT. Every year, approximately 5,000 homeless young people will die because of assault, illness, or suicide while trying to survive. D O N A T E
Yearbook Club There will be a meeting on Wednesday after school!
Chef Club There is a meeting today after school
Cafeteria ROAR in the Cafeteria ROARROAR Pay attention to the adult speaking Do not touch or move other people’s property Clean up your space before you leave Stay seated Use your manners with peers and adults Accept and welcome all students Wait in line patiently and in a single file Keep an appropriate volume Respect Ownership Attitude Responsibility
A Lane (dismissed last) B Lane (dismissed 2 nd ) C Lane (dismissed 1 st )