Maintaining a Patient Focus in a Flexible Work Environment MIT Workplace Center Seminar February 25, 2003 Nancy Kruger, DNSc.,RN and Nancy Hickey, MS, RN
Objectives Provide a safe environment for patient care Provide a practice environment that is provider friendly Provide competent practitioners with the expertise the public demands Provide continuity of care Provide compassionate care
Vision Our most important responsibilities are patient care, teaching and the development of new knowledge through research. Our passion is giving extraordinary care in partnership with our patients and families. We provide unparalleled compassionate care with unprecedented technical expertise to create a healing environment with our colleagues in patient care.
Mission To care for sick people To promote health To prevent illness and injury To educate ourselves and our future generations To discover, disseminate and utilize new knowledge
Realities We have sick people who rely on the presence of expert practitioners. Much of the patient’s experience is dependent on the relationship between the practitioner and the patient. To attract qualified practitioners we have to be prepared to offer flexible work schedules
Competency Clinical Colleague Program Orientation of the newly licensed nurse Advanced care courses Annual competency demonstration
Conclusion Need to understand the needs of the staff Craft schedules and benefits that meet both the needs of the staff and the patients Understand the environment that requires an increase in personnel because of expanding programs and more part-time work
Staff Demographics Distribution by age Comparison of full time work to part time work Nurses who rotate shifts compared to nurses who work a permanent off shift. Impact of Diversity
Challenges Need for aggressive recruitment Part time staff Limited permanent off shift opportunities Varied skill levels Floating Temporary staff (travelers)
Interventions Effective recruitment scheduling strategies Mandatory overtime Retention strategies related to age and life situations of the employee Encouraging full-time staff, specialty areas Increasing permanent shift differentials
Safe Practice A Competency Based Floating –Floating to like area’s –Short-term, temporary assignments –Day to day floating strategies Long Term Travel Assignments