Teaching in a Multi-Level Spanish Language Classroom Jady Arriaga World Language and International Studies Facilitator
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So differentiation is... 1.Pick an arrow 2. Write or think 3. Share Write a newspaper headline that summarizes what differentiation is. Draw a visual symbol that you think represents a differentiation strategy. Create an analogy that you think represents a differentiation strategy.
“ There is nothing more unequal than the equal treatment of unequals” Thomas Jefferson
1. What we do at CIS is... A little bit of CIS background
“ To try to understand diverse stories, not a single one...
In other words...
We nurture students’ natural curiosity while they achieve academic excellence through a challenging, interdisciplinary, international curriculum. We seek to develop: ●Critical and compassionate thinkers. ●Confident and open-minded communicators. ●Resourceful and responsible citizens and leaders of our local and global communities. RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY SOLUTIONS SERVICE
2. What we intent to do by teaching languages at CIS is... World Languages Program at CIS
To provide opportunities for authentic exposure to the Hispanic and Asian cultures which enable students to develop linguistic and cultural proficiency.
3. Differentiation in the world classroom at CIS begins when... World Language Differentiation Strategies
I found myself in a room with students with at least three different Spanish levels... So what I did was...
Each element defined Motivation: “It is a process which is shaped and influenced by the activity that takes place between the environment and the individual” Michael J. Middleton Language Proficiency: It refers to a person’s ability to use a language for a variety of purposes: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. ACTFL Rigor: “It is creating an environment in which each student is expected to learn at a high level” Barbara Blackburn
4. The process... Spanish Language Program
No DifferentiationSome Differentiation Differentiation Class works as a whole most on most material, exercises & projects Group grading standards as a whole Implied or stated philosophy that all the students need same teaching/learning process Adjusting questions according to proficiency level Encouraging individual to take assignments further Implied variations in grading If students finish work early, they can read/work/practice more Occasional exception to standard pacing. May not need to show work, or do all the questions Occasional adjustment in grading to reflect student effort and/or ability Articulated philosophy of student differences (learners’ styles) Planned assessment Moving furniture Planned variation content/input Planned variation in process/sensemaking Planned variation in product/output Individual goal setting, assessment (grading) Grading to reflect individual growth/process Using students’ reflection process/ feedback
Three steps Developing a High Quality Curriculum Understanding Learners’ Needs and Styles Creating a Positive Learning Environment
Developing a High Quality Curriculum Taken from : NC World Language (WLES) Wiki
A curriculum that allows students to … ▸ Challenging enough to perform as risk takers and be successful regardless what their language levels are at the beginning. ▸ Understand what the goals and expectations are. ▸ Find connections between their interests and their realities.
Learning Styles Survey Implementation Teachers’ Collaboration Understanding Learners’ Needs and Styles
In order to… ▸ Understand their needs and struggles. ▸ Collect useful data which impact teacher’s practices and strategies and as a result learning. ▸ Reach those students who think of learning a language an impossible task.
Flexible Grouping Technology Usage Creating a Positive Learning Environment Positive Teacher- Student Interaction
With the main goal of ▸ Facilitating learning / communication/ language development. ▸ Finding scaffolding strategies for language growth. ▸ Giving options to students. ▸ Growing trust. ▸ Helping them to advance in their language proficiency levels.
Place your screenshot here As we are 1:1 school, Edmodo has been my educational platform.
5. And now we are... World Languages Program at CIS
Current Implementation and Expectations Perspectives Practices Products COMMUNICATION Rigor- Proficiency Levels- Differentiation
References Alderman, M. (2004). Motivation for achievement possibilities for teaching and learning (2nd ed.). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Blackburn, B. (2012). Rigor made easy: Getting started. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education. Middleton, M., & Perks, K. (n.d.). Motivation to learn: Transforming classroom culture to support student achievement. (n.d.). Retrieved April 22, 2015, from Wiki Home
Now that I told you the story, what questions do you have?