Net Gen Students and ETDs Joan K. Lippincott Coalition for Networked Information
Overview Characteristics of Net Gen students Preparing Net Gen Authors Net Gen services Call to action
Net Gen Students Experiential Multi-tasking Visually oriented Fast Social Mobile
Students working together at Dickinson College
Preparing Net Gen Authors A goal of the NDLTD is “for graduate students to learn about electronic publishing and digital libraries, applying that knowledge as they engage in their research and build and submit their own ETD.”
Preparing Net Gen Authors “When people talk to me about the Digital Divide, I think of it not being so much about who has access to what technology as who knows how to create and express themselves in this new language of the screen.” George Lucas, EDUTOPIA, 2004
Preparing Net Gen Authors Develop new genres of scholarship Prepare for a career as a “knowledge worker” Balance between traditions of scholarship and new technology- enabled creativity
New Genres of Scholarship
Contribution from Vectors
USC Student Project
Preparing Net Gen Authors Fluency in information technology Information literacy More emphasis on information policy issues –Intellectual property –Licensing –Privacy –Interoperability
Services for the Net Gen Promote sense of community –Group study rooms for dissertation support groups –Information Commons –Cafes –Host blogs, wikkis for ETD authors –Information professionals join discussions via CMS
Ohio University "There is no comparison between the Learning Commons and the old second floor," says John Pratt, a graduate student majoring in history. "I never came to the second floor to do my studying before, but the computers and technology offered along with the many tables and the spacious area make everything easy to access. Now I come just about every day to do research and work on my thesis."
U. Georgia Student Learning Ctr.
U. Minnesota Library’s Blog Service
Services for the Net Gen Support creation of innovative products –Multi-media studios –Data structure and storage Support use of new products
Dartmouth College’s Media Center
New Media Suites at U. Toronto
Data Storage
Scholar’s Box
CALL TO ACTION: Administrators Create policies that address the needs of 21st century authors –Multimedia –Data storage –Group authorship
CALL TO ACTION: Faculty Take responsibility for information literacy and technology issues –Work in partnership with the library, IT and other units
CALL TO ACTION: Information Professionals Promote awareness of issues Create services to support Net Gen –In-person –Virtual Develop facilities and services for multi-media authorship
CALL TO ACTION: Information Professionals Provide expertise –Technical standards –Information policy issues Encourage community –Learning spaces –Virtual communities
CALL TO ACTION: Information Professionals Promote awareness and recognition of innovative ETDs –Awards –Displays Support student interest in creativity by advocacy of new institutional policies