Research Opportunities Workshop 23 September 2011 Christos Konstantinidis R&D manager
2 NetResult delivers high calibre products in: Dissemination exploitation- using its portal ‘The GEM Tool’ results oriended rather than project. Knowledge Transfer –Commercialisation Project Business/market analysis Consortium building Project management Communication and research experts under one roof
3 We interested in being partners in proposed projects, assuming the Dissemination Exploitation strategy of the project. Some of the projects we have been involved: TATEM-ICE-HILAS-FLYSAFE-BEMOSA-ACTION. Communication and research experts under one roof
4 –Christos Konstantinids –NetResult, SME in Strategic Communication –GREECE –Dissemination Exploitation, Knowledge Transfer,Comercialisation-Project management –Christos Konstantinidis –R&D manager –TEL: FIDIAS CSA-SA-Call: FP7-TPT-2012-RTD-1 3.2
5 –Objectives Identify the Innovation mechanisms in SMEs Identify the Innovation stp drivers –Aim Improve SMEs Product-Services-Processes time to market –Expected deliverables Development a European coordinating platform/portal for TRANSPORT with all relative key players engaged. Development of an Innovation Network for TRANSPORT –Partners already 1.NetResult –Strategic Communications GR 2.University of Stutgart DE 3.Tenschenk UK Portal and Networks developers UK 4.Avitronics Research-SME specialising in Air Transport GR FIDIAS CSA-SA-Call: FP7-TPT-2012-RTD-1 3.2
6 Requirements with respect to additional partners -SMEs in: 1.road transport with demonstrated experience 2.rail transport in the field of innovation 3.Waterborn Transport 4.Policy makers 5.Authorities 6.Funding agents. FIDIAS CSA-SA-Call: FP7-TPT-2012-RTD Innovation means thinking out of the box