GWRideConnect Program and Services FY 2017
GWRideConnect Program Scope TDM Agency operated by the GWRC Commission that serves the residents of Planning District 16. GWRideConnect promotes ridesharing and TDM techniques to assist citizens seeking transportation options to workplaces and other destinations. Program Goal: to promote, plan and establish transportation alternatives to the single occupant vehicle, improving air quality, reducing congestion & improving quality of life.
GWRideConnect Program Funding Transportation Demand Management Grant Department of Rail & Public Transportation FY 2017: $373,594 20% local match of $93,398 Total: $466,992 $22,238 / 5% increase in total funding $4,447 increase in match CMAQ funding: $175,000 CMAQ Leased Parking: $44,592 Total program funding: $686,584
GWRideConnect Program Services Includes 15 Work Elements Vanpool Program – Van Start / Van Save, Advantage Self-Insurance Pool, Vanpool Express Match, Vanpool Alliance
GWRideConnect Database Vanpool Statistics FY Existing Vanpools: Transport 4,452 persons daily Transport 1,121,904 annually Reduce 8,904 work trips daily Reduce 2,243,808 annually Reduce 534,240 vehicle miles traveled daily Reduce 134,628,408 vehicle miles traveled annually
Promoting Vanpools, Carpools, Commuter and Local Buses and VRE
GWRideConnect Advertising Fall, Winter, Spring / Summer campaigns- print media and radio advertising Social Media Advertising Facebook Highway signs GWRideConnect Website Community Outreach Commuter Job Fairs
GWRideConnect FY 15 Program Results New applicants 1,268 Applicants assisted15,100 New vanpools formed 97 Vanpools Assisted 14,946 Applicant & Vanpool surveys3,335 FRED Bus distribution1,226 VRE & Metro info. dist. 2,000 Facebook 9,000 GWRideConnect Website Hits3,910 per month More than 80,000 people received assistance in FY 2015
GWRideConnect Database All Pools Statistics FY 16 All Services - Vanpools, Carpools and Buses Transport 5,062 persons daily Transport 1,275,624 persons annually Reduce 10,124 work trips daily Reduce 2,551,248 work trips annually Reduce 607,440 vehicle miles traveled daily Reduce 153,074,880 vehicle miles traveled annually