Most students will find the story suspenseful and exciting because of Rikki’s battles with the deadly snakes.
Rikki feels a great dislike for the snakes, especially when they threaten his family. The snakes despise Rikki for protecting the family. They are also afraid of him.
Rikki is loveable, considerate and caring. He is also a good planner, a quick thinker, and an athletic fighter. The cobras are proud, power-hungry, and murderous. They take offense easily and always want revenge.
Darzee’s actions help explain who the characters are and provide humor and suspense.
Rikki’s approach to life is effective, because he thinks seriously about the consequences of his actions before taking action or making claims.
Students may say the story is still popular because its plot is suspenseful and exciting. Also, its hero is likable, and its villains are evil.
Answers will vary and should be supported with evidence from the text.
1. After Rikki bites Nagaina 2. After Rikki overheard Nag and Nagaina plotting to kill Teddy’s family Any more???
1. Nag threatens Rikki. 2. The cobras plan to kill the family. 3. Rikki and Nag battle 4. Rikki destroys all the eggs but one.