Welcome to the College of Science and Engineering! For students majoring in: Biology Chemistry Biochemistry Computer Science Engineering Engineering Technology Math Physics
Take out your cell phone & create a new contact Name: Science Advising (TX State) Contact type: Office Phone number: Address: Centennial Hall 202 Website: If you are running late or cannot make your appointment, give us a call to reschedule.
How to make an appointment Call us at –We do not schedule appointments via 30 minute appointments Monday – Friday, 8:30-4:00 If you cannot make your appointment, call to cancel –If you “no-show” 3 times, you will need to meet with the associate dean before you can talk to an advisor Have a quick question?
How do we contact you? …via your Texas State ! Important information regarding: Academic rules Withdrawing from classes Graduation deadlines Degree Works Audits Necessary course …evaluations Your schedule You are responsible for the information in s. If you have not received one from our office by the third week of the semester, please contact us. Do not forward your to a gmail, hotmail, or other account.
Tips for success 1.Have an academic advising appointment at least once a semester 2.Get to know your professors – stop by office hours 3.Get involved in a study group or organization 4.Seek help when needed
Need help with your classes? CLC (Collaborative Learning Center) CLC (Collaborative Learning Center) –for science and engineering majors Computer Science Tutoring Computer Science Tutoring –for students in computer science courses SLAC (Student Learning Assistance Center) SLAC (Student Learning Assistance Center) –for all students Math Lab Math Lab –currently enrolled in a math course Writing Center Writing Center –for any writing assignments Visit our Website, for more informationwww.cose.txstate.edu/advising
What if my GPA falls below a 2.0? If you have less than a 2.0, you are on academic probation: You can’t register for the classes until you meet with an advisor who will help you: –Plan a course of action –Connect with campus resources –Provide information and support
Where can I find degree and graduation requirements? Undergraduate catalog (p. 318) –General information on regulations, core requirements, major and minor requirements, course descriptions, and prerequisites –Online at ndergraduate/catalogs.html ndergraduate/catalogs.html Degree Works audit –Select Degree Audit on your Self Service Banner (SSB) Student menuStudent menu Flowcharts –Visual representation of common degree plans (unofficial) See our website for more information on flow charts and degree audits.website
Important policies (Catalog p. 25) 3 rd attempt policy: if you attempt a course for the third time, you will be charged a course repeat fee. An attempted course includes any course in which a grade is earned, repeats, and drops with a W. –$390 per credit hour in addition to normal course fee ( fee subject to change ) Excessive hour policy (+30): if you attempt more than 30 hours in excess of the minimum hours required for your degree, you will be charged out-of-state tuition (+45 for students beginning college Fall 1999 to Summer 2006) –Includes hours from any public Texas institution
Important policies (cont’d) Six drop limit: you may drop no more than six courses (after the 12 th class day) in your undergraduate career. –Includes W’s –Includes coursework attempted at all public Texas institutions Tuition rebate: you may be eligible for up to $1000 after graduation if you: –Attempt no more than 3 credit hours in excess of minimum hours required for your degree (includes repeats, and W’s)
What are my privacy rights? Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 protects the privacy of educational records: TX State assumes you are independent of your parents We cannot: –Release grades, course schedule, or other student information without student consent –Let your parent/significant-other schedule or attend an appointment for you We can release information about: –Major/minor –If you are currently enrolled Students may sign a "Grant Access to Records" form to permit advisors to give information to persons designated by the student."Grant Access to Records" form
Foreign language proficiency requirements: BS students must demonstrate competency in a foreign language: 2 years of same foreign language in high school –or 2 semesters of same foreign language in college –BA degree foreign language requirement must be satisfied with college level course work.
How do I get a degree? You must complete: Major requirements Minor requirements (most majors) General Education Core Curriculum requirements Minimum hours for degree GPA requirements 9 writing intensive hours (must be completed at Texas State) advanced hours Foreign language Residency requirements
College credit outside of TX State High school: AP, dual credit, or IB credit Must have taken test and passed Transfer/other college credit: Direct equivalent – transfers as a course taught at Texas State ELNA (elective non-advanced) – freshman/sophomore level course that is not equivalent to a Texas State course ELADV (elective advanced) – junior/senior level course from a 4-year institution that is not equivalent to a Texas State course ACT (activity) – Physical Fitness and Wellness (PFW) NT (non-transferrable) – remedial or developmental course (grades/hours do not count) TV (technical and vocational) – from 2-year certification program (grades/hours do not count)
What if my course doesn’t transfer directly? ELNA or ELADV courses may be individually evaluated by departments: Fill out course evaluation form on advising center websiteevaluation form –Attach syllabus, course description, transcript, or other relevant information Engineering Students submit Course Substitution Request Form on Ingram School websitewebsite Department will determine if ELNA/ELADV course can count for a specific Texas State requirement –Students will receive notification of decision by
Registration reminder NEVER enroll in a course if you think you may already have college credit for it. If you think you may have completed a course, speak with an advisor before enrolling in its Texas State equivalent.
How do I know if I can register for a course? May need to meet prerequisites –A course you MUST take before enrolling in another course –Lays the foundation for future coursework –Found in catalog or schedule of classes EX: Prerequisite for CHEM 1341? May need to meet co-requisites –Must be enrolled in both courses at same time –Course content complements each other Some courses have no prereqs or coreqs
What is the General Education Core Curriculum? Courses that all Texas State students must complete before graduation. Apx. 35% of your required credit hours Eight components: 1.Communication 2.Mathematics 3.Life and Physical Science 4.Philosophy 5.American History 6.Government/ Political Science 7.Social & behavioral science 8.Texas State component
What are my core courses? (See Catalog pg. 45) 1.ENG 1310 & 1320 (College Writing 1 & 2) 2.MATH 2XXX (depends on major) 3.Life/ Physical science (depends on major) 4.PHIL 1305 OR 1320 (Critical Thinking or Ethics) 5.1 COURSE FROM ART, DAN, MU, OR TH 2313 (Intro to Fine Arts) 6.HIST 1310 & 1320 (US History) 7.POSI 2310 & 2320 (Political Science) 8.Anth 1312, Eco 2301 (Engineering and Engineering Technology majors), Geo 1310, Psy 1300, Eco 2314, or Soc 1310(depends on major) 9.COMM 1310 (Fund. of Human Communication) 10.1 COURSE FROM ENG 2310, 2320,2330,2340,2359 OR 2360 (English Literature)
Can I take courses at home over the summer? Fill out Off Campus Request Form online to ensure that course will transfer and satisfy degree requirementsOff Campus Request Form –Use “Transfer course information” on CatswebTransfer course information –Will receive approval/disapproval via TX State After course completion, send official transcript to TX State Undergraduate Admissions office If summer course is a prerequisite to a fall TX State course, you will have to register for that course in August after completing the course.
Thank you for your attention!