Kim I. Mallalieu DIRSI Plenary and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UWI Trinidad and Tobago March DIRSI Stakeholders’ Meeting Welcome and Introduction
Welcome To representatives from CANTO CDS CSO CTU Digicel ECLAC MPAI Ministry of Education Ministry of Social Development Network of NGOs TATT THA TSTT UWI (Engineering, Social Sciences, SALISES)
Introducing DIRSI Diálogo Regional sobre Sociedad de la Información Research network focussed on support of public processes to promote participation of the poor in the Information Society 10 plenary members from LAC, the region of its geographic focus Managed by the Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP) in Lima Funded by IDRC For further info:
DIRSI Research 2007 Book Digital Poverty: Latin American and Caribbean Perspectives Background Papers Mobile Opportunities: Poverty and Telephony Access in Latin America and the Caribbean Empirical Study Poverty and Mobile Telephony in Latin America and the Caribbean – Country Case Studies and a Regional Report
DIRSI Research 2008 To provide actionable knowledge for pro-poor ICT policy and regulation in the Latin American and Caribbean region
DIRSI Stakeholders’ Meeting To solicit stakeholder views on how access to ICTs in general and mobile in particular, may contribute to improving the livelihoods of the poor, and to: Disseminate information on related ICT P&R research Identify related needs and gaps in ICT P&R research Identify research priorities Recommend strategies to meet priority research needs
AGENDA DIRSI: Mobile Opportunities Research Panel: Telecom P&R Research Needs and Outputs Ministry of Public Administration and Information Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Tobago House of Assembly Plenary Discussion Break Focus Group Break-Outs: Meeting Research Priorities Focus Group Presentations Policy Regulatory Plenary Discussion Closing Comments L U N C H End of Meeting
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