Culture in Development: An Inter-American Information Network Insert text here.


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Presentation transcript:

Culture in Development: An Inter-American Information Network Insert text here

1. What’s the objective? How to reach it? Objective To strengthen the capacity of the OAS Member States in their efforts to develop or bolster their public policies in culture, through the exchange of information on the impact of sustainable national and regional cultural initiatives and the linking of experts. How? Creating a network composed of Member States, civil society and international organizations aimed at (1) facilitating the design and implementation of public policies in culture by Member States, and (2) strengthening Member States’ human and institutional capacities to carry out cultural development initiatives.

Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Main Components 2. Web-based tool 3.Network of Policy Makers 1. Communication Strategy Access to case studies, programs, policies and research papers (links to other organizations). Online forums and/or blogs for discussion Spread the word: Culture Matters! (culture as an engine of economic growth and social inclusion) Connect people in the culture sector. Share experiences, Discuss common topics, find other people who are working on similar topics Culture in Development: An Inter-American Information Network What? How?

What has happened since February 2009 a.Composition of the Advisory Committee: i.7 countries: Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Grenada, Mexico, United States ii.5 international organizations/agencies: CARICOM, Convenio Andrés Bello, International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA), Interamerican Culture and Development Foundation, Organization of Eastern Caribbean States

What has happened since February 2009 b.Launching the Virtual Forum: the virtual forum of the Advisory Committee was officially launched in early June i.Documents posted ii.Inputs have been received from: 1. IFACCA 2. Convenio Andrés Bello

What has happened since February 2009 c.Draft Communications Strategy: a draft has been presented by the consultant Alfonso Castellanos i.The draft Communications Strategy will be distributed in English and Spanish ii.Analyze the key message of the strategy and receive inputs from member states

MEDIA STRATEGY THE TRANSFORMING POWER OF CULTURE: WHY AND HOW CULTURE SHOULD BE SUPPORTED? Two thematic areas: Thematic area 1: Why culture is important Thematic area 2: How to take advantage of the transforming power of culture for development

Thematic area 1: Why culture is important? Culture is a strategic resource of developing countries to address the challenges of the new economy and twenty-first century societal needs – In recent years, cultural industries have undergone tremendous growth worldwide, exceeding average economic growth in terms of production and trade. – Most developing countries, especially those among the OAS member states, have not taken full advantage of this growth potential, despite their vast cultural wealth and diversity. – Cultural industries represent not only economic growth potential for the nations of the Americas, but also an opportunity for the economic and social growth of their peoples.

Thematic area 1: Why culture is important? 1.1 Cultural industries are one of the most dynamic sectors of the new global economy 1.2 Culture is an available resource in combating inequality and poverty 1.3Culture is an economic and social asset within the reach of vulnerable and marginalized groups 1.4Culture is key in urban renewal and combating violence

Thematic area 1: Why culture is important? 1.5Culture is a factor in sustainable and inclusive economic and social development 1.6The economic and social importance of cultural diversity 1.7Cultural industries strengthen identity, creativity, and intercultural dialogue 1.8Culture is a means to promote social participation and democratic coexistence

Thematic Area 2: How to take advantage of the transforming power of culture for development To take advantage of the development potential of cultural industries, an institutional infrastructure and a comprehensive series of policies must be in place

Thematic Area 2: How to take advantage of the transforming power of culture for development 2.1Recognition of culture as a productive sector 2.2Adoption of a comprehensive approach (cross-cutting and multidisciplinary) 2.3Strengthening institutional infrastructure 2.4Availability of financing and lending options 2.5Support for distribution

Thematic Area 2: How to take advantage of the transforming power of culture for development 2.6Training and capacity-building 2.7Coordination 2.8Trade support 2.9Access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) 2.10Availability of relevant, reliable, and timely information

3. Next steps a. Please send us your comments on the documents posted at the Advisory Committee’s virtual forum. b. We will send you the draft communications strategy for comments (2 weeks). c. Final version of the communications strategy and website’s map d. Present these to member states at the IV Regular Meeting of the CIC.