Kolb Learning Theory
Learning Style Inventory ingstyle.html ingstyle.html ingstyle.html ingstyle.html
Diverger Concrete experiencer/ reflective observer Concrete experiencer/ reflective observer Take experiences and think deeply about them Take experiences and think deeply about them Like to ask “why?” Like to ask “why?” Learn via logical instruction or hands-on exploration with conversations that lead to discussion. Learn via logical instruction or hands-on exploration with conversations that lead to discussion.
Converger Abstract conceptualization/ active experimenter Abstract conceptualization/ active experimenter Think about things and then try out their ideas to see if they work in practice Think about things and then try out their ideas to see if they work in practice Like to ask “how?” Like to ask “how?” Enjoy facts Enjoy facts Work by themselves; think carefully and act independently Work by themselves; think carefully and act independently
Accommodator Concrete experimenter/ Active Experimenter Concrete experimenter/ Active Experimenter The most hands-on, practical approach The most hands-on, practical approach Enjoy doing rather than thinking Enjoy doing rather than thinking Ask “if…” and “why not?” Ask “if…” and “why not?” Do not like routines or lectures Do not like routines or lectures Take creative risks to see what happens Take creative risks to see what happens
Assimilator Abstract conceptualizer/ reflective observer Abstract conceptualizer/ reflective observer Most cognitive approach Most cognitive approach Prefer thinking over doing Prefer thinking over doing Ask “What is there I can know?” Ask “What is there I can know?” Like organized, structured learning Like organized, structured learning Prefer lectures with demonstrations; respect the knowledge of experts Prefer lectures with demonstrations; respect the knowledge of experts
Culture This study demonstrates that within each culture the learning styles vary among individuals, although there may be preferred learning styles within a culture.
Research- based results Researchers identified 110 articles that used the LSI. Fifty-nine articles made no mention of reliability, and slightly fewer than a third of these reported reliability for the obtained scores appropriately. Findings indicate that continued use of the LSI should be considered questionable. Researchers identified 110 articles that used the LSI. Fifty-nine articles made no mention of reliability, and slightly fewer than a third of these reported reliability for the obtained scores appropriately. Findings indicate that continued use of the LSI should be considered questionable. Results are based solely on the way learners rate themselves. Results are based solely on the way learners rate themselves.