welcome! How to Write a Good Composition(III) Presented by Xueqin Daxin Senior School How to polish your composition.


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Presentation transcript:


How to Write a Good Composition(III) Presented by Xueqin Daxin Senior School How to polish your composition

Good Command of English Topic (审题) (审题) Content( 内容)( 内容) Structure (结构) Language ( 语言)( 语言) Handwriting (书写) Five Key Elements

How to polish your composition

Varied but brief sentences Transitional words and phrases Advanced words and phrases Grammatical errors

Practice How to overcome your difficulties in study? (1) We all know we should learn more if we want to well adapt the society. However, when we learn more, we may meet with more difficulties. There are many ways to overcome the difficulties, but the following ones may be effective. (2) First of all, we should believe ourselves. We always say,“If you think you can, you can!” So when we meet with difficulties,we should believe that I can overcome them. Believe ourselves, we will succeed. (3) Besides, when you find you cannot solve them, you can ask others for help. Nobody will laugh you. They will think you are brave. (4) Finally, we should never give up. Sometime we may not realize there is only one step between failure and success. Who can persevere to the end, who will success. (5) These are some of the ways to overcome difficulties and I find them very effective. (143)

How to overcome your difficulties in study? As is known to all, we should learn more, if we want to well adapt ourselves to the society. However, the more we learn, the more difficulties we may meet with. Many ways can be used to overcome the difficulties. First of all, we should be confident of ourselves. We always say,“If your think you can, you can!” So when we meet with difficulties we should believe that we can overcome them. Believe ourselves, and we will succeed. Secondly, when you find you cannot solve them, you can turn to others for help. Nobody will laugh at you. Instead, they will appreciate your bravery. Finally, never should we give up. Sometimes we may not realize there is only one step between failure and success. Success belongs to those who can persevere to the end. Those are some of the ways to overcome difficulties and I do find them very effective. Remember: “Success grows out of struggle to overcome some difficulties.

1.Give marks to the three compositions on the paper according to their content, language, and structure and think of why 2. Write a composition. 不要以貌取人 ( Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover ) Direction : write an English composition in over 120 words according to the Situation given. 以貌取人是一种不正确的态度和做法, 根据本篇主题 展开议论。 Homework

Thank You ! Good Bye ! Thank You ! Good Bye !

I.Make your sentences various and brief 使用简洁多样的句式 1.complex sentence( 复合句) 1) The Internet does us good.  There’s no doubt that the Internet does us good. 2)As is known to all, some students are always playing online games. They can’t pay all their attention to study.  As is known to all, it’s difficult for those who are always playing online games to pay all their attention to study.  As is known to all, the Internet does us good.

3.The structure for emphasis( 强调结构) The internet enables people to communicate with each other more easily and quickly.  It’s the Internet that enables people to communicate with each other more easily and quickly.  Isn’t it the Internet that enables people to communicate with each other more easily and quickly?  The Internet does enable people to communicate with each other more easily and quickly 2.Nonfinite forms of the Verb( 非谓语动词 ) Some students are absorbed in the game, so they may have difficulty in controlling themselves and leave their homework undone.  Being absorbed in the games, students may have difficulty in controlling themselves, leaving their homework undone.

5.Subjunctive Mood ( 虚拟语气 ) It’s high time that … It’s necessary that … 4.Inverted word-order ( 倒装语序) 1) Now we can easily find information with just a click.  Never before could we easily find information with just a click 2) When people realize the importance of environmental protection, we can easily solve this problem.  Only when people realize the imporance of environmental protection, can we easily solve this problem

The Absolute Construction ( 独立主格结构 ) Compound Structure of “ With ” (with 复合结构) Tag Question ( 反意疑问句 ) Compound Sentence( 并列句) Sayings or Proverbs ( 名言或俗语 ) Passive Voice ( 被动语态 ) 6.Others Exclamatory Sentence (感叹句)

II.Diction and Advanced Words ( 用词要准确有特色,尝试使用高级词汇 ) 1) Our home town has changed a lot. 2) Some students are always playing computer games that they leave their homework undone. taken on a new look are addicted to computer games

III.Make good use of transitional words or phrases ( 用好过渡性的短语 ) 书面表达并不是几个要点的机械的组 合,而是句与句之间的关系,巧妙地 运用一些过度性的词语,使文章前后 贯通,浑然一体。因此要掌握一些表 示 “ 承,启,转,合 ” 的语篇连接词,

besides, in addition, moreover, what’s more, what’s worse, not only…but also…, last but not the least,… 表示递进关系词语: 表示转折关系的词语: but, however, nevertheless, yet, on the contrary, otherwise, unless, even so, in contrast, in spite of that,…. 表示因果关系的词语: so, therefore, thus, as a result, due to, owing to, on account of, consequently, since, for this reason, thanks to, in this way,…. 表示比较对照的词语: on the other hand, on the contrary, in the same way, compared with, while, in contrast, at the same time, unlike, instead,… 表示时间关系的词语: first, second, to begin with, at first, firstly, secondly, finally, eventually, at last, now, then, next. 表示列举的词语: namely, for example, for instance, for one thing, to illustrate, as an illustration, that is, take …as an example,…

IV.Avoid grammatical errors( 尽量避免语法错误 ) 1.Misuse of part of speech 词性误用 I strongly against their point of view.  I am strongly against their point of view. 2.Mismatch in reference 指代不清 1)Every school has many rules and they must obey them.  Every school has many rules and students must obey them 2) And we can also know the society by serving it yourself.  And we can know the society by serving it ourselves. 3. Misuse of words 用词不当 1) He does say English very well.  He does speak English very well 2) Would you please permit me a few minutes?  Would you please spare me a few minutes?

4. Disagreement 不一致 : 主谓不一致、时态和语态的不一致 数的不一致、代词的不一致 1) Though he had money, he cannot do what he wants to do  Though he had money, he couldn’t do what he wanted to do 2) There’s always plenty of jobs to be done.  There are always plenty of jobs to be done. 5.Lack of subject 缺少主语 1)We cannot imagine what life will be like if haven’t electricity.  We cannot imagine what life will be like if we haven’t electricity. 2) Lived in the country, no loud noise, no dirty air, and everything is fresh and quiet.  In the country, there is no loud noise, no dirty air, and everything is fresh and quiet

6.Confusion of logical relationship 逻辑关系混乱 At the age of ten, my grandfather died.  When I was ten my grandfather died. Being an honest girl, Mary studies English hard  Being an honest girl, Mary never tells a lie. 7.Chinglish 中国式英语 1) My home town has taken place great changes.  Great changes have taken place in my hometown. 2) My choice to be a doctor has three reasons.  There are three reasons for my choice to be a doctor. 3) My English level will be raised.  My English will be improved.

Checking-up of topic 审题 1. 审定文章的体裁 (type) 和题材 (theme) 2. 审定人称 (person) 4. 审定要点 (main points) 3. 审定时态 (tense) 5. 审定结构 (structure)

Clear Main Idea 主题鲜明 Content 1. 忌 “ 立意太高 ” 。 立意高则下笔难,开头大则收尾 难,往往会写成 “ 中文式的英语 ” 2. 忌 “ 下笔千言 ” 。 求长、求全则错误必然增多。而 应环绕题目的要求确立中心,意思表达清楚,有层次 地稍加展开即可。 两大 “ 忌 ” Flesh and Blood 内容充实 Clear Logic 条理清晰 Proper Arrangement 详略得当