Русский язык Venäjän kieli
Р усский язык в мире In the XX century Russian language became one of the so-called world (global) languages. Nowadays Russian language is one of the mot popular languages in the world. The global status of the Russian language was enshrined in the United Nations, where Russian is one of the working languages. Every year more and more students around the world study Russian language. Russian language in the world
И нтересные факты Russian language belongs to the eastern group of Slavic languages in the Indo-European family of languages Russian is one of the most popular languages in the world. 162 million people in the world consider Russian to be their native language (8th in the world) Another 110 million people consider Russian language as their second language. Russian is the language of international communication in piloted space flights. Russian language does not change very much. For example, every native-speaker can understand books written in the 19th century. Russian language borrows new words and at the same time, some Russian words become internationalized. For example: vodka, dacha, matryoshka, perestroyka, samovar, sputnik, tsar. Interesting facts
Р усский алфавит - Кириллица Russian alphabet - Cyrillic Cyril and Methodius - the creators of the Slavic alphabet
П ервые русские книги The First Russian books
Russia Москва Moscow
Москва Moscow Москва Moscow
Санкт - Петербург Saint-Petersburg
Санкт - Петербург Saint-Petersburg Санкт - Петербург Saint-Petersburg
Тверь Tver
Тверь Tver
Ярославль Yaroslavl
Ярославль Yaroslavl
Великий Новгород Veliky Novgorod
Владивосток Vladivostok
Владивосток Vladivostok
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