SLO’s Review Day 2
Topics: Renaissance and Reformation Exploration Helpful quizlets for today Renaissance and Reformation Exploration
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Review- Renaissance and Reformation
How did life change from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance? Middle AgesRenaissance Church Life is suffering and pain Secular ideas Belief in human achievement Return of classic Greek and Roman beliefs
A man who could do many things: paint, write, act, dance, sing, etc. How would you describe a “Renaissance Man”?
Leonardo Da Vinci What famous artist painted the Mona Lisa?
Michelangelo What famous artist painted the Sistine Chapel ?
humanism After the dark ages, people wanted to express themselves and do as many things as possible, celebrating human achievement, this is called ____________. I can do anything!
Catholic During the Protestant Reformation, people were fighting the abuses of the _______________ church.
indulgence One major abuse by the Catholic Church was the buying of forgiveness, this is called an _________________.
Martin Luther Who was the leader of the Protestant Reformation?
Counter In response to the Protestant Reformation was the _____________ Reformation (an attempt to reform the Catholic Church).
The Pope refused to grant him a divorce so he could marry another woman and produce a male heir to the throne Why did King Henry VIII convince Parliament to separate from the Catholic Church and form the Church of England, headed by King Henry VIII?
Queen Elizabeth I One of Henry VIII’s daughters, _________________________, was Protestant. She helped restore peace in England by making the Church of England more like the Catholic Church.
Gutenberg Who invented the printing press?
Could mass-produce books, helped spread the ideas of the Renaissance What was the impact of the printing press?
Exploration review
His exploration in 1492, led to the discovery of a “New World” Samuel de Champlain Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan Vasco da Gama James Cook Zheng He
First explorer to sail around the Southern tip of Africa to India Samuel de Champlain Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan Vasco da Gama James Cook Zheng He
First European fleet to sail around the world. Samuel de Champlain Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan Vasco da Gama James Cook Zheng He
Explored Canada- founded the city of Quebec in New France Samuel de Champlain Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan Vasco da Gama James Cook Zheng He
Famous for his treasure ship voyages to India, bringing riches to the Chinese emperor Samuel de Champlain Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan Vasco da Gama James Cook Zheng He
astrolabe A device to plot location using the starts
Columbian Exchange The _________________ was the flow of goods, diseases, and slaves between Europe, the Americas, and Africa.