By Joseph S.
I suggest: Old Woodward Booth Park
1. Wear a bike helmet to protect your head.
2. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. 3. Wear tennis shoes to protect your feet. 4. Wear sun screen to protect your skin. 5. Ride a bike is good repair.
Front lights Rear lights, at the back Reflectors at the back Reflectors on pedal Reflective tape on front forks Reflective tape on seat stays
Spring and Summer, in the day and evening Fall, in the day, but not even in the evening cause its dark Winter, not in Michigan, because of the snow
Your family, your parents, your brothers / sisters Your friends
Exercise, faster heatbeat Fresh air Fun to be with family and friends
Feet on the pedals, push Hands on the hand bars, hold on Sitting on the seat
Day time, because daytime is light After school, because after school because after school I like to ride my bike Night time, is not good because night time dark Before school, is not good because before school is breakfast
Keep your bike in good condition Keep your tires inflated, (full of air) Oil your bike chain Check your breaks Check your reflectors