Public Response Section NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
1. Power on Unit 2. Check for “TMA” Mode 4. Press Send 3. Select Response To Change ANSWER ? NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
1. What is your gender? 1. Male2. Female NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
2. What age group are you in? 1. Less than – – NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
3. How did you learn about this meeting? 1. Newspaper 2. Word of Mouth5. NKAPC 3. Flyer 6. Other 4. Internet NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
4. How long have you lived in Northern Kentucky? 1. Less than 5 years3. More than 20 years 2. 5 – 20 years4. I do not live in Northern Kentucky NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
5. How would you describe where you live? 1. Urban 2. Suburban 3. On a Farm 4. Rural, but not a farm 5. Other NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
6. Which category BEST describes your interest in this project? 1. Interested Citizen 2. Developer / Builder 3. Community Organization Representative 4. Government Official 5. Other NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
7. For the future of Northern Kentucky, how do you value: The Agriculture Industry? NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
8. Wildlife? NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
9. Forest? NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
10. Connectivity (Various forms of circulation: Pedestrian, Bicycle, Vehicle, Public Transit)? NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
11. Organized Recreation (sports fields and courts)? NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
12. Passive Recreation (green space, trails, naturalistic space)? NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
13. Contemporary Architecture? NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
14. Fishable Waterways? NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
15. Swimmable Waterways? NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
16. System of parks and natural areas? NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
17. Walkable Communities? NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
18. Historic Architecture? NKAPC & University of Kentucky Audience Participation
Visual Preference Study NKAPC & University of Kentucky Visual Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Spatial Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Spatial Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Spatial Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Spatial Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Visual Preference Structure Type And Location
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Visual Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Visual Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Visual Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Visual Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Visual Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Visual Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Visual Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Visual Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Visual Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Visual Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Visual Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Visual Preference
NKAPC & University of Kentucky Visual Preference Thank You For Your Participation!