Building a Computer Science Pipeline in your District TCEA 2 Kim John
Computer Science for All $4 billion in funding for states to expand K-12 CS education Funding for NSF supported programs and professional learning communities thru CS10k – Exploring CS and AP CS Principles State-level CS education strategic plans Public-private partnerships to expand and deepen commitments to CS education 2
Remember What’s…Who’s Important 3
Computer Science Requirements for Texas High Schools 4
74.3(b)(2)(I) 74.3(b)(2)(I) Tech App Curriculum Requirement – every district must offer, and 74.3(b)(4) 74.3(b)(4) each student must have the opportunity to participate in the following: Computer Science I AP Computer Science or At least two (2) of the following: Computer Science III Digital Art and Animation Digital Communications in the 21st Century Digital Design and Media Production Digital Forensics Digital Video and Audio Design Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Fundamentals of Computer Science Game Programming and Design Independent Study in Evolving/Emerging Technologies Independent Study in Technology Applications Mobile Application Development Robotics Programming and Design 3-D Modeling and Animation Web Communications Web Design Web Game Development Computer Science II Curriculum Requirement 5 Source:
74.12(b)74.12(b) A student must demonstrate proficiency in the following: 74.12(b)(5) 74.12(b)(5) Languages other than English (LOTE)—two credits Graduation Requirement 6 Source: Two credits in computer programming languages selected from Computer Science I, II, and III or Any two levels of the same language Note: 74.12(b)(5)(A)(iii) regarding expiration date to use computer science for LOTE credit due to be removed from TAC in April
74.13(f)74.13(f) A student may earn any of the following endorsements A. CTE (Ch. 130) B. Computer Science (Ch. 126) C. Mathematics Endorsement Requirement 7 Source: D. Science E. A combination of two of the above A. CTE (Ch. 130) B. English C. Technology Applications (Ch. 126) D. A combination of the above 1. STEM 2. Business and Industry
TAC Chapter 130: Career and Technical Education C. Arts, A/V Technology and Communications K. Information TechnologyO. STEM Video Game Design IComputer ProgrammingRobotics and Automation Video Game Design IIAdvanced Computer ProgrammingComputer Science and Software Engineering* Video Game Design IIIWeb Technologies Database Programming 8 * likely to be replaced with AP Computer Science Principles starting in
9 TAC Chapter 126: Technology Applications C. High SchoolD. Other Technology Application Courses Fundamentals of Computer Science [S]AP Computer Science A [S] Computer Science I [S]AP Computer Science Principles [new] Computer Science II [S]IB Computer Science SL [S] Computer Science III [S]IB Computer Science HL [S] Digital Forensics [S] Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science [S] Game Programming and Design [S] Mobile Application Development [S] Robotics Programming and Design [S] Web Communications [B] Web Design [B] Web Game Development [B] Independent Study in Evolving/Emerging Tech [B] [S] - can satisfy the STEM endorsement; [B] - can satisfy the Business & Industry endorsement
10 TEA PEIMSCourseTEKSTeacher FTEStudent Enroll N Video Game Design ICTE - A/V32.403,808 N Video Game Design IICTE - A/V Computer ProgrammingCTE - IT68.118, Advanced Computer ProgrammingCTE - IT Web TechnologiesCTE - IT , Robotics & AutomationCTE - STEM53.274,738 N CS and Software EngineeringCTE - STEM Fundamentals of CSTech App14.211, CS ITech App , CS IITech App CS IIITech App Game Programming & DesignTech App13.521, Mobile App DevelopmentTech App Robotics Programming & DesignTech App Web DesignTech App30.733, Web Game DevelopmentTech App A AP CS ATech App55.286,322 I IB CS (SL/HL)Tech App2.16/ /84 Source: ( )
Computer Science High School Curriculum Idea Introductory Course (e.g. Fundamentals of Computer Science, CS I, Computer Programming) Mobile-Cloud Mobile Web Mobile Apps Cloud Apps AP Computer Science Principles Game Design/ Development Robotics Programming Cybersecurity Machine Learning/AI 11 Data Analytics
Fundamentals of Computer Science AP Computer Science Principles or One (1) of the following: Computer Science III Digital Forensics Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Game Programming and Design Independent Study in Technology Applications Mobile Application Development Robotics Programming and Design IB Computer Science SL IB Computer Science HL Computer Science I Computer Science Pathway Using Tech Apps 12 AP Computer Science A or Computer Science II
AP Computer Science Principles or Two (2) of the following: Computer Science III Digital Forensics Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Game Programming and Design Independent Study in Technology Applications Mobile Application Development Robotics Programming and Design IB Computer Science SL IB Computer Science HL Computer Science II Computer Science Pathway Using Tech Apps 13 Computer Science I or Fundamentals of Computer Science AP Computer Science A or
Leander Computer Science Course Sequence 14
15 Start Fundamentals of Computer Science with Robotics AP CS Principles Computer Science I (Pre-AP) AP Computer Science A Mobile App Dev Computer Science Independent Study
Georgetown ISD Computer Science Pathway Kim Garcia Digital Learning Coordinator Former High School Computer Science Teacher
Georgetown ISD Computer Science Pathway th Course Independent Study in Technology Applications (126.49) 2 nd & 3 rd Courses Game Programming and Design (126.38)AP Computer Science A (126.62) 1 st Course Computer Science I (126.33) Prerequisite Algebra I (111.39)
Challenges: Georgetown ISD Computer Science Prerequisite for 1 st Course (Computer Science I) is Algebra I Many 9 th graders not completed Algebra I, cannot enroll in CS I until 10 th grade GISD students cannot earn for LOTE credit Opted to add Game Programming and Design in , requested by students Not offering AP Computer Science Principles in its first year ( ) College Board presenters said at CSTA: ‘It’s not a 9 th grade course’ 18 4 th Course Independent Study in Technology Applications (126.49) 2 nd & 3 rd Courses Game Programming and Design (126.38)AP Computer Science A (126.62) 1 st Course Computer Science I (126.33) Prerequisite Algebra I (111.39)
Opportunities: Georgetown ISD Computer Science Computer Science Enrollment Growth in Planning to Offer AP Computer Science Principles in th Course Independent Study in Technology Applications 2 nd & 3 rd Courses Game Programming & Design AP Computer Science A 1 st Course Computer Science I Prerequisite Algebra I 3 rd & 4 th Courses Game Programming & Design AP Computer Science A Independent Study in Technology Applications 2 nd Course Computer Science I 1 st Course AP Computer Science Principles Prerequisite Algebra I Proposed Georgetown ISD Computer Science Pathways: Two Entry Points
Professional Development WeTeachCS 20
WeTeachCS – Overview 21
WeTeachCS – Central Texas Teacher Professional Development Opportunities 22 Date Event Jan. 23-Feb. 28, 2016 Austin STEMpreneurship Teacher Workshops With Raspberry Pi in partnership with student program and 3 Day Start Up; Registration Closed February 24-25, 2016 Austin CSP Mini-Conference CS Principles Mini-Conference: Registration Open June 7-9, 2016 Austin CS Summit App Inventor, AP CS Principles, Resources for teaching CS, Scratch, Python, Developing 4-year course sequences June 13-16, 2016 Austin College Board APSI * Computer Science Principles July 6-8, 2016 Austin First Bytes Teacher Workshop Partnership with UT Austin Dept. of Computer Science July 11-14, 2016 Austin College Board APSI * Computer Science A for NEW CS teachers July 25-28, 2016 Austin College Board APSI in partnership with TCU * Computer Science A for EXPERIENCED CS teachers * TRC is paying for travel and lodging – details TBD
WeTeachCS – Statewide Teacher Professional Development Opportunities (1) 23 Teach CSJanuary 13-14, 2016Austin STEMpreneurship Teacher WorkshopJanuary 23-February 28, 2016Austin TCEA 2016 Conference & ExpositionFeb 1-5, 2016Austin TRC CS Network MixerFeb 3, 2016Austin CSP Mini-ConferenceFebruary 24-25, 2016Austin CS SummitJune 6-8, 2016Austin TRC Annual MeetingJune 21-23, 2016Austin First Bytes Teacher WorkshopJuly 6-8, 2016Austin Hands-On with Security and Nature workshopsApril 2016College Station Hands-On with Hardware workshopsMarch 2016College Station AP CS Principles workshopJune 2016College Station Bootstrap: Video Game Programming with AlgebraMay 14, 16, & 17, 2016Dallas Summer InstituteUnknownDallas 5 day Training-of-Trainers (TOT)UnknownDallas Teach CSUnknownDallas Teach CS at Houston ISDMarch 22-23, 2016Houston Introduction to Coding and Computational ThinkingJune 13-15, 2016Houston Bootstrap: Video Game Programming with AlgebraJune 27-29, 2016Houston Teach CS at ESC 18May 6-7, 2016Midland
WeTeachCS – Statewide Teacher Professional Development Opportunities (2) 24 Basics of computational thinking into core content classroom activitiesJan/Feb 2016 (2 Saturdays)Rio Grande Valley Incorporation of computational thinking activities into grade/content specific teacher created lesson exemplars May 2016 (Saturday)Rio Grande Valley Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT)June 29-July 1, 2016San Antonio ScratchUnknownTyler RoboticsUnknownTyler Mobile app developmentUnknownTyler Bring business partners together with area teachers and district personnel UnknownTyler College Board APSI (Computer Science Principles)June 13-16, 2016Location TBA College Board APSI (for NEW teachers)July 11-14, 2016Location TBA College Board APSI (for EXPERIENCED teachers)July 25-28, 2016Location TBA Keep Calm and Java On (Java Programming)Feb 2016Online KCJO Spring Cohort (Java Fundamentals)March 21st - May 11thOnline KCJO Spring Cohort (Java Programming)May 16-25, 2016Online
Keep Calm and Java On – Spring Java Fundamentals March 21 – May 11, 2016 Java Programming May 16 – May 25, 2016 Online Training
Teach CS 8-12 Certificate Incentive Program 27 This program provides an opportunity for Texas educators to apply for a one-time stipend through The University of Texas at Austin, Center for STEM Education. = $1,000 Details on TRC Website
Teach CS Online Course in EdX 28 June 2016
Breakouts Slides posted to TCEA 2016 app and 29