Wednesday, Jan. 23 rd : “A” Day Thursday, Jan. 24 th : “B” Day Agenda Check Lab Write-Ups Lab Discussion: “Charles’ Law: The Effect of Temperature on Volume” Conduct Lab: “Charles’ Law: The Effect of Temperature on Volume” Completed Lab will be due next time…
Lab: “Charles’s Law: The Effect of Temperature on Volume” Discussion Remember, Charles’ Law: V 1 = V 2 T 1 T 2 When the temperature is increased, the volume will increase. When the temperature is decreased, the volume will decrease.
Lab: “Charles’s Law: The Effect of Temperature on Volume” Safety Items Use EXTREME CAUTION and protect your hand with a towel when you remove the flask from the hot water bath (Step #4). Loosen and remove the clamp first and use it as a handle. Cover the tube with your finger and invert the flask into the trough. The flask will be HOT!
Lab: “Charles’s Law: The Effect of Temperature on Volume” Lab Hints Look closely and you will see water entering the flask through the tube. Wait until the water has stopped entering and the flask has cooled. In step #5, the pneumatic trough may not provide enough room to equalize the pressure in the flask. You may have to transfer the cooled flask, with your finger still covering the tube, to a deeper container of water on the side counter.
Lab: “Charles’s Law: The Effect of Temperature on Volume” Data Table #1 and #2: Record temperature in both ˚C and Kelvin. #6: I will give you the atmospheric pressure in mm Hg. You will need to convert into kPa by using the formula in your lab handout. #7: Use Table A-13 on pg. 835 in your book to find the vapor pressure of water at T 2.
Lab: “Charles’s Law: The Effect of Temperature on Volume” Data Table #9: Use Boyle’s Law to find the corrected volume at atmospheric pressure. (P dry gas ) (V at T2 ) = (P atmospheric ) (V corrected ) #8 #5 #6 From data table Solve for V corrected
Lab: “Charles’s Law: The Effect of Temperature on Volume” Graph Graph your data and follow directions for Analysis #3. 1 st data point: #1, #4 from data table 2 nd data point: #2, #9 Use COMPLETE SENTENCES to answer conclusion questions on a separate sheet of paper or on the back of your graph. You will have about minutes next time to complete lab before it will be due…