The Emerging Role of the United States in World Affairs SOL 9a
Many twentieth-century American foreign policy issues have their origins in America’s emergence as a world power at the end of the nineteenth century. America’s intervention in World War I ensured its role as a world power for the remainder of the century. The growing role of the United States in international trade displayed the American urge to build, innovate, and explore new markets.
Essential Questions: Why did the United States abandon its traditional isolationist foreign policy? How did the United States expand its influence in the world?
I.Creation of international markets A.Open Door Policy: In an effort to open trade opportunities for the United States in China, Secretary of State John Hay proposed in 1899 an Open Door Policy to European leaders and Japan to call for equal trading routes for all countries. When no country responded to Hay’s letters, he announced that it was approved. Open Door Policy: Urged all foreigners in China to obey Chinese law, observe fair competition
B.Dollar diplomacy: In an attempt to discourage European intervention in Latin America, President Taft established in 1912 “Dollar Diplomacy.” This was the policy of the United States loaning countries in Latin America money so they would not be encouraged to go to European countries for economic assistance. President Taft urged American banks and businesses to invest in Latin America. He promised that the United States would step in if unrest threatened their investments.
C.Growth in international trade occurred from the late 1800s to World War I: the first era of true “global economy.”
II.Latin America A.Spanish American War In the late 1890’s Cuba was a Spanish colony. The U.S. sent the USS Maine to the waters surrounding Cuba To protect the lives of U.S. citizens there. On February 5, 1898, when the Maine was blown up in the Havana Harbor, the U.S. blamed Spain for the destruction of the ship and declared war on Spain.
The war lasted from April to December 1898, when the Treaty of Paris was signed. The treaty stated Cuba was granted independence from Spain; Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines were ceded to the U.S. The U.S. paid Spain $20 million for the Philippines and continued to occupy the Philippines. The United States involvement in Cuban affairs demonstrated the U.S. ability to intervene in that area of the world.
1. Philippines: Annexed after Spanish American War The Filipinos did not want annexation; they wanted independence. From 1899 through 1902, the Filipinos, under the leadership of Emilio Aguinaldo, fought United States rule in the Philippines. By 1902, the United States had defeated the Filipino troops.
B.Panama Canal and the role of Theodore Roosevelt In November 1903, the United States supported Panama in her quest for independence from Colombia. In return for this support, the United States was granted “unending” control over a ten-mile-wide strip of land in Panama in order to build the Panama Canal.
III.Asia and the Pacific A.Hawaii: By 1870 Americans living in Hawaii controlled a large portion of the land and trade. By 1886, the United States granted Hawaii the rights to ship sugar to the United States tariff-free in exchange for control of Pearl Harbor. In 1890 the McKinley Tariff imposed tariffs on Hawaiian sugar, creating an economic crisis in Hawaii. cut sugar cane
In 1893, with the help of United States Marines and support of the United States Minister to Hawaii, a new government was established in Hawaii. In 1898 the United States annexed Hawaii.
Compare the U.S. involvement in Cuba and Hawaii: Cuba was a colony wanting independence from Spain, while Hawaii was a monarchy that desired self-rule. Tariffs and the profits of Americans were involved in both situations.