Cat and mouse in a haunted house By Geronimo stilton
characters Geronimo Thea Trap Benjamin
pages 113
setting The castle The dark woods Inside the car
Problem Geronimo is scared of all of these ghosts and scary stuff.
solution They find flour after a ghost disappears and toilet paper after a mummy disappears. so there is a passage way that is how the ghost appears. how do you dress up as a mummy with toilet paper! Geronimo jumps into the passage way and then he shouts ha we got – his mouth drops read the book what happens next!
plot Geronimo drives his car in woods his car runs out of gas that is when he goes inside. He goes into the kitchen and finds a mouse bone and a skeleton of a rat!!!!!!!!!!!!! He wished he was home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In one bedroom there was a witch he was sacred
I rate this book…….. Wwwwww wiki happy I thought this was a really really really good book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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