Bugflow Enhancements 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 1 Team # 2 10/07/200 8
Team Members Fan Yang Role: Team Leader and Ashok Kumar Bodepudi Role: Research and Development & Programmer Sridhar Karthik Sethupat Role: Webmaster and Programmer Raja Praveen Bhavanam Role: Testing and Programmer 2/9/ :53:58 PM 2 Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements
Mentor & Instructor Mentor Scott Hetherington Tietronix Software, Inc. Instructor Dr. Kwok-Bun Yue Professor, Computer Science and Computer Information Systems Chair, Division of Computing and Mathematics 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 3
Contents Introduction Existing Application Flow Diagram Requirements Technologies used Demo of the application Detailed requirements with Prototypes Timeline References 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 4
Introduction- What is Bug flow ? Bugflow is a web-based tool. It is a process-centric bug tracking tool. It is developed and used internally by Tietronix.Tietronix 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 5
Existing Application BugFlow is a Java-J2EE application that runs on the TieFlow Process Automation engine. It controls routing and status of the bugs. Each user has a “worklist” that has a list of bugs currently assigned to him. 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 6
Flow Diagram 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 7 Saved Defect Work on Defect Validate the Defect Solution Review the rejection Review/Assign Defect Accept-Reject Defect Start End
Requirements Add the ability to reopen closed bugs. Allow users to configure their work lists. Distinguish between read and unread bugs in the work list. Save reports. Segregate some of the global data. 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 8
Technologies Used The Existing application uses JSP SQL Server 2000 Javascript XHTML J2EE Display Tag 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 9
Demo of the application 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 10
Team Progress Initial hosting of the existing system in the local machines. Add Realistic data Study the existing application –code and database Requirement analysis is completed. 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 11
Detailed Requirements-1 In this an interface is created to allow the administrators to view closed bugs. An notification is sent to the supervisor. Change in the status of the bug. 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 12
Detailed Requirements-2 In this User’s are allowed to select his choice of columns on the worklist. The user’s choice of worklist configuration is saved in the database. If no choice is selected by the user the default settings are displayed. 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 13
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Detailed Requirements-3 Work list is like the main page for the user, wherein he can view bugs reported to him. Many bugs,user cannot distinguish between read and unread bugs. Work list -analogous to the inbox. s-analogous to bugs reported. In inbox we can distinguish between read and unread s. 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 15
Detailed Requirements-3 Similarly, this requires us to come up with a method to determine bugs –read or new. Upon discussing -usage of checkboxes and buttons were thought to be a good option. Maintain sessions!! This can be achieved by using cookies and databases. 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 16
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Detailed Requirements-4 Enter into the “Reports” tab -- we see a set of twelve parameters that can be selected. User can save the current selection as public or private. He should be able to pull his selection from a list and be able to run it. 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 18
Detailed Requirements-4 Solution to this would be to give a pulldown list of existing reports and providing buttons with the option of saving a new report. Further when these reports are saved they should be able to run each time they are selected. 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 19
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Detailed Requirement-5: Project has –Global and project specific values Admin has the power to manage project Interfaces which need modification to segregate global data to project specific data are : Priority Severity Operating system Software version 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 21
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Timeline 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 23
References: tion.htmlhttp://dcm.uhcl.edu/yue/courses/csci6838/Fall2007/OralPresenta tion.html /9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 24
Thank You. 2/9/ :53:58 PM Team#2 Bugflow Enhancements 25