Building Community Through
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him read your .
Elements of a Great Strong, accurate subject line Clear text and formatting Concise message Call to action
Why Does This Matter? Everyone is busy People only read what they want to read You are constantly building your credibility for the future We are awash in a sea of every day Competition for readers is fierce
100 s per day
Be Brief, Brother, Be Brief Make your point quickly Direct reader to a website for more information End
Call to Action Direct the audience to do something Be clear Help the audience get it done
How Often Should I Send? Depends on what you have to say One to three times per month is standard
Formatting Guidelines Keep paragraphs short Use one font throughout Avoid exclamation points! Bold and italicize sparingly Red doesn’t help
Subject Lines 6 to 8 words max Key points should come first Be clear and specific Use logical keywords If appropriate, use deadlines
Common Mistakes Starting a sentence in… USING ALL CAPS Being vague and wordy Frgetting to chck spellling
The Good, Fall 2015 Mini-Reunion Schedule Classmates, don’t forget to check out our Fall Mini-Reunion schedule for the Class of 1993! The Bad, and the Ugly HELLO CLASSMATES near and far; please read the attached list of mini-reunions and mark your calendars to see your friends from the best class ever, 1993!
Subject Line Exercise Hello fellow members of the Class of 1993, and updates on fall programming and activities Updating some information that was incorrect in the last newsletter! INTRODUCING YOUR NEW CLASS TREASURER, JOE DARTMOUTH!!!