Sustainable Energy for All Draft framework for action The Secretary-General's High-Level Group on Sustainable Energy for All Discussion document, Abu Dhabi session 14 th January, 2012
1 The High-level Group will mobilize to achieve Sustainable Energy for All Action Agenda with high-impact areas to focus efforts Ambitious vision and clear guiding principles to mobilize commitments Businesses Energy companies Financial institutions Large and small businesses Governments National governments Public institutions Cities International organizations Civil society Non-Governmental Organizations Academic institutions Individuals Accountability framework to track and recognize achievement Opt-in commitment process to ensure all parties find their role Energy efficiency Renewable energy All parties must act……and work together to realize a world with Sustainable Energy for All COMPONENTS OF INITIATIVE Energy access
2 The three objectives will realize great benefits by themselves and contribute to a long-term sustainable development path Ensure universal Energy Access Double the share of Renewable Energy …achieving the objectives of Sustainable Energy for All… Double the rate of improvement in Energy Efficiency … will give great benefits ▪ Health ▪ Education ▪ Productive use of energy for growth ▪ Underpins many MDGs ▪ Often economically rational ▪ Increases productivity ▪ Growth area with job creation potential ▪ Energy security ▪ Insulate from fuel price volatility ▪ Improve balance of payment ▪ Local job creation Along the whole energy value chain … AccessSourcesConsumption
3 All stakeholders must act together to realize the vision Policies, regulation and institutions Technology innovation Finance solutions Implementation capacity and end- user demand Public Sector Private Sector Enabling elements of change Civil Sector Joint action required to assemble all enabling elements
4 The initiative will mobilise and facilitate commitments, and monitor progress toward objectives Mobilise commitments Facilitate and support partnership Monitor and disseminate learnings ▪ Identify priority areas ▪ Communicate and advocate action ▪ Lead efforts ▪ Convene stakeholders ▪ Foster partnerships and match commitments toward objectives ▪ Share best practices in planning and implementation ▪ Monitor, review and report progress ▪ Promote dissemination of lessons learned
5 A set of guiding principles will govern the initiative 1.Full inclusion of all parties 2.Collaboration to catalyze action 3.Transparency by all stakeholders 4.Development of positive feedback loops 5.Dissemination and showcasing of best practices 6.Acceptance of a diversity of approaches Guiding principles for Sustainable Energy for All: Principles that all participating stakeholders should embrace
6 Sustainable Energy for All will organize commitments through high-impact areas Area Energy Access Energy efficiency Renewable energy Commitments grouped in areas of high-impact opportunities: ▪ Commit alone or in partnerships ▪ Areas may straddle multiple objectives Initiative will encompass current and new initiative also outside such areas A WORLD WITH SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR ALL Alone Partnership
7 There will be a simple process to opt in and join the initiative Review Reporting Learning Action Recog- nition Commitment development Recognition Commitment process will be developed after Abu Dhabi
8 The initiative will support dissemination of learnings and ensure public recognition through an Accountability framework PRELIMINARY – TO BE SUBSTANTIATED BY RIO+20 Accountability framework will be developed after Abu Dhabi We ask for commitments that are: ▪ Relevant to the objectives of Sustainable Energy for All ▪ Well-specified, being time-bound and measurable ▪ In accord with the initiative’s guiding principles, including transparency and accountability
9 After Abu Dhabi and towards Rio+20 in June… 1)Developing a more detailed and comprehensive Action Agenda 2)Mobilising early commitments 3)Developing an accountability framework 4)Developing suitable operational arrangements