1 Electronics Status Trigger and DAQ run successfully in RUN2006 for the first time Trigger communication to DRS boards via trigger bus Trigger firmware.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Electronics Status Trigger and DAQ run successfully in RUN2006 for the first time Trigger communication to DRS boards via trigger bus Trigger firmware and DRS firmware was modified during beam time and downloaded Both DRS and trigger waveforms were read out by front-end computers (drivers and readout routines were successfully implemented) DRS and DAQ system 4 front-end computers, 1 back-end computer, MIDAS software 60 channels TC, 9 channels NaI, 864 channels DC ~600 GB in the last few days of RUN2006 MSCB Slow control system was successfully operated during beam time including MSCB high voltage system

2 Trigger

boards 14 x 48 Type LXe front face (216 PMTs) 2 boards boards 9 x 48 Type LXe lateral faces back (216 PMTs) 4 in 1 lat. (144x2 PMTs) 4 in 1 up/down (54x2 PMTs) 4 in 1 1 board Timing counters curved (640 APDs) 8 in 1 u/d stream (30x2 PMTs) 1 board 2 x 48 Type boards 9 x 48 Type boards 2 x 48 Type Drift chambers channels 2 x 48 1 x 48 Type1 1 x Auxiliary devices 16 (9) channels Trigger System Structure

4 ARGUS monitor (scalers) Rate of individual channels (independent of trigger)

5 Trigger scheme for TC A L (mV) A R (mV) A L > 50 mV && A R > 50 mV excluded && A L +A R > 200 mV excluded  trigger selection independent of z  50 mV threshold ~ 100  150 mV at PMT output

6 Trigger Waveforms Trigger window …

7 Efficiency study events associated with the trigger signal ss low intensity (slit = 10%) high intensity (slit = 100%) ss “unbiased” events (out of trigger window and with 10 mV threshold)

8 Efficiency profile (all PMTs) Unbiased (10mV) Trigger (50mV & 200mV) N pe Landau peak for e+ Secondary particles rescaled by R pulse  T  = N T /N U  almost full efficiency at Landau peak (~6MeV, ~500pe) Interpolation by erf function

9 Trigger Conclusions Trigger system was completed and installed last summer (both Hardware and Firmware) Successfully linked to DRS & DAQ online Monitor tools developed Properly worked during December run TC event selection WFD for PMTs Proved to be ~100% efficient for energy losses in the Landau peak Very low noise (RMS~0.4 mV)

10 DAQ System

11 DAQ Cluster 6 crates DRS Hit registers Trigger 3 crates 20 MHz clock start stop sync Trigger signal Event number Trigger type Trigg er Bus y Ancillary system  E5 area ‘cave’ PC (Linux) Front-End PCs Run start Run stop Trigger config PC (Linux) Gigabit Ethernet On-line farm PC (Linux) storage PC (Linux) Event builder

12 Offline Cluster 5 x 4 CPUs SunFire X TB disk storage Planned in ’07: 64 CPU TB disk lcmeg05 lcmeg04 lcmeg03 lcmeg02 lcmeg01

13 Correlation DRS vs. Trigger waveform Signal height of DRS waveform (10:1) – Trigger waveform (2.5:1)

14 Crosstalk removal Reduction of (coherent) noise band cross talk by averaging “empty” channels and subtracting signal channels: Noise level: 0.5 mV → 0.32 mV Baseline fluctuation (100 ns): 0.27 mV → 0.07 mV Reduction of (coherent) noise band cross talk by averaging “empty” channels and subtracting signal channels: Noise level: 0.5 mV → 0.32 mV Baseline fluctuation (100 ns): 0.27 mV → 0.07 mV

15 Overall Data Rate Now had 2.8 MB events (50% DC + TC, no LXe) and could run at ~10 Hz Full detector estimates: 9 MB/event, 5 Hz, 650 TB/year Zero suppression (50% on LXe, 80% on DC) ADC/TDC values for non-signal-like events Partial waveform readout (reduced window size) 3 rd level trigger in online cluster Applying all this techniques: 100 Hz “ADC rate” 6 Hz “Waveform rate” 100Hz30 TB/year DRS firmware 500 ns 200 ns Integral if no pile-up

16 DRS3 status All channels are currently equipped with DRS2, ran reasonably well during beam time DRS2 shows temperature dependence which should be fixed with DRS3 chip (improved amplitude accuracy) 50 Prototypes DRS3 have been delivered Test board PCB is in production Test chip until March ’07 Mass production in summer ’07 if tests ok Replace DRS2 by DRS3 in 2007/08 shutdown

17 Slow Control

18 MSCB slow control overview Cluster Switch 8 Ethernet “Submasters” 4+ SCS-2000 units each with up to 64 I/O HV system with 1054 channels 8 Ethernet “Submasters” 4+ SCS-2000 units each with up to 64 I/O HV system with 1054 channels

19 BTS slow control

20 Long term BTS levels

21 HV system 900 channels for LXe calorimeter Designed and built at PSI 24-bit ADCs for high accuracy (20mV) Once micro controller per five channels Read out every 4 seconds 60 channels TC + 64 channels APD Run stably in last beam time Redesign of MSCB protocol resulted in increased readout speed (4 sec. for all channels, 0.5 sec. for last modified)

22 Future Plan Fine-tune trigger firmware as detectors come online Increase DAQ speed to 100 Hz until next beam time Data reduction (Tokyo Workshop end of March ’07) 3 rd level trigger Improve front-end code and DRS firmware Replace DRS2 by DRS3 If tests of DRS3 are successful, replace towards end ’07 If DRS3 is not working, redesign required (+0.5 y) Finances All electronics bought Spare PSI funds for DRS3 allocated Funding of extension of offline cluster secured (PSI part)