Axisymmetric Rotating Disk Workshop 2A Parametric Modeling
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-2 2A. Parametric Modeling Axisymmetric Rotating Disk Description Build a parametric, axisymmetric model of the high-speed rotating disk shown, using thetahub, thetarim, xmid, and ymid as parameters. All other dimensions are fixed. Loading: angular velocity corresponding to 15,000 rpm. rim y mid 10.0R 4.0R hub x mid Properties: E = 30e6 psi = 7.2e-4 lb-s 2 /in 4 = 0.3
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-3 Instructions 1.Enter ANSYS (or clear the database) and change the jobname to rotdisk: –Utility Menu > File > Change Jobname… New jobname = rotdisk [OK] 2.Define the following parameters by typing in the input window or in the Scalar Parameters dialog ( Utility Menu > Parameters > Scalar Parameters… ): pi=3.142 hub_ri=4 hub_w=0.6 hub_ro=hub_ri+hub_w hub_ht=1.6 rim_ro=10 rim_w=0.4 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk rim y mid hub x mid hub_ri hub_ro hub_wrim_ri rim_ro rim_w hub_ht rim_ht
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-4 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 2.(continued) rim_ri=rim_ro-rim_w rim_ht=0.5 thetahub=90 thetarim=90 xmid=(rim_ri-hub_ro)/2 ymid=(hub_ht+rim_ht)/2
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-5 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 3.Create rectangles for the hub and rim: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > Create > Rectangle > By 2 Corners Enter WP X = hub_ri Enter WP Y = 0 Width = hub_w Height = hub_ht [Apply] WP X = rim_ri Enter WP Y = 0 Width = rim_w Height = rim_ht [OK]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-6 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 4.Create the mid keypoint between the hub and rim: –(Preprocessor >) Create > Keypoints > In Active CS... NPT = 10 X,Y,Z = hub_ro+xmid, ymid, 0 [OK] 5.Switch the active coordinate system to global cylindrical. This will allow us create a spline and specify its end slopes in terms of hub and rim. –Utility Menu > WorkPlane > Change Active CS to > Global Cylindrical
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-7 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 6. Create a spline with specified end slopes through KP 10: –(Preprocessor >) Create > Splines > With Options > Spline thru KPs Pick, in order from left to right, these 3 keypoints: –top right KP of the hub, keypoint 10, top left KP of the rim [Apply] or middle mouse button XV1,YV1,ZV1 = 1, 90+thetahub, 0 XV6,YV6,ZV6 = 1, 90-thetarim, 0 [OK]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-8 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 7.Switch back to global Cartesian and define the area joining the hub and rim. –Utility Menu > WorkPlane > Change Active CS to > Global Cartesian –(Preprocessor >) Create > -Areas- Arbitrary > Through KPs Pick the four corner keypoints of the middle area in counter-clockwise order, then press OK. –Toolbar > [SAVE_DB]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-9 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 8.The next step is to mesh the model. We will start by defining the element type and material properties. –Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete… [Add…] –Choose Solid and Quad 8node 82, then [OK] [Options…] –K3 = Axisymmetric –[OK] [Close] –Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models… Double click through –… Structural … Linear … Elastic … Isotropic EX = 30e6(Young’s modulus in psi) PRXY = 0.3(Poisson’s ratio) [OK] –… Structural … Density DENS = 7.2e-4 (Density in lb-sec 2 /in 4 ) [OK] Exit the material GUI
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-10 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 9. Mesh the model: –Preprocessor > MeshTool Activate Smart Size Set smart size level to 3 [Mesh], then [Pick All] on Mesh Areas dialog [Close] –Utility Menu > Plot > Elements –Toolbar > [SAVE_DB]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-11 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 10.Specify a static analysis with prestress effects activated. The prestress enables a subsequent prestressed modal analysis. –Main Menu > Solution > New Analysis... Choose Static, then [OK]. –(Solution >) Unabridged Menu > Analysis Options... Equation solver = Precondition CG Tolerance/level = 1e-5 Stress stiffness or prestress = Prestress ON [OK]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-12 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 11.Apply boundary conditions: symmetry b.c. along the bottom lines. –Utility Menu > Plot > Lines –(Solution >) -Loads- Apply > Displacement > -Symmetry B.C.- On Lines Pick the three lines at the bottom of the model, then [OK]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-13 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 12.Apply the angular velocity load of 7500 rpm. ANSYS expects the value in radians/second, so we will first calculate the value using parameters. –Utility Menu > Parameters > Scalar Parameters... type the following: rpm=7500 w=2*pi*rpm/60 [Close] –(Solution >) Apply > Other > Angular Velocity… OMEGY = w [OK] 13.We are now ready to obtain the solution. –Toolbar > [SAVE_DB] –Solution > -Solve- Current LS Check the status information and close the “/STAT Command” window. [OK]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-14 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 14.Plot von Mises stress contours: –Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > Nodal Solu… Item, Comp = Stress, von Mises SEQV [OK]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-15 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 15.The next step is to retrieve results into parameters. We need the maximum von Mises stress (which we will call SMAX) and the standard deviation of von Mises stress (SDEV). First SMAX: –Utility Menu > Parameters > Get Scalar Data… Choose Results data and Global measures, then [OK] –Glb measure to retrieve = Stress, von Mises SEQV –Name of parameter = smax –[OK] Check the output window for the value of SMAX (28527).
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-16 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 16.To calculate the standard deviation SDEV, we need to store the von Mises stress of each element in the element table, copy them into an array parameter NELEM x 1 long (where NELEM is the total number of elements), and then use array operations. –Utility Menu > Parameters > Get Scalar Data… Choose Model data and For selected set, then [OK] –Name of parameter … = nelem –Data to be retrieved = Current elem set, Number of elem’s –[OK] Check the output window for the value of NELEM (513). –General Postproc > Element Table > Define Table... [Add…] –Lab = eseqv –Item, Comp = Stress, von Mises SEQV –[OK] [Close]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-17 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 16.(continued) –Utility Menu > Parameters > Array Parameters > Define/Edit... [Add…] –Par = sarray –Type = Array –I, J, K = nelem, 1, 1 –[OK] [Close] –Utility Menu > Parameters > Get Array Data… Choose Results data and Elem table data, then [OK] –Name of array parameter = sarray(1) –Element number N = 1 –Element table item … = ESEQV –Fill array by looping on = Element number –[OK]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-18 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 16.(continued) –Utility Menu > Parameters > Array Operations > Vector-Scalar Func… ParR = sdev Par1 = sarray(1) Func = Std deviatn STDV [OK] Check the output window for the value of SDEV (4514).
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-19 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 17.This completes the static analysis portion of the solution. The next step is to do a modal analysis. We will start by assigning the modal analysis results file to a non- default file name, temp.rst (to avoid overwriting the static results in jobname.rst). –Toolbar > [SAVE_DB] –Main Menu > Finish –Utility Menu > File > ANSYS File Options… In the /ASSIGN section, Ident = Struct res RST Fname = temp.rst [OK]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-20 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 18.Enter solution and specify modal analysis type and options. –Main Menu > Solution > New Analysis… Choose Modal, then [OK] –(Solution >) Analysis Options… Mode extraction method = Block Lanczos No. of modes to extract = 3 Expand mode shapes = Yes No. of modes to expand = 3 Incl prestress effects = Yes [OK] [OK] on the next dialog
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-21 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 19.Switch the symmetry boundary conditions on the bottom set of lines to anti-symmetry. This will allow the lower, bending modes to be extracted. –Utility Menu > Plot > Lines –(Solution >) -Loads- Delete > Displacement > On Lines [Pick All] [OK] on the next dialog –(Solution >) -Loads- Apply > Displacement > -Antisymm B.C.- On Lines Pick the bottom three lines, then [OK]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-22 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 20.Execute the modal solution and retrieve the three frequencies: –Toolbar > [SAVE_DB] –Solution > -Solve- Current LS Check the status information and close the “/STAT Command” window. [OK] –Input window (type these commands): *get,freq1,mode,1,freq *get,freq2,mode,2,freq *get,freq3,mode,3,freq Check the output window for the values (FREQ1=0, FREQ2=2375, FREQ3 9435). Since FREQ1 is a rigid body mode, FREQ2 will be considered the “first mode” for optimization purposes.
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-23 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 21.Re-assign the results file back to the default file name: –Main Menu > Finish –Utility Menu > File > ANSYS File Options… In the /ASSIGN section, Ident = Struct res RST Fname: delete the file name and leave the field blank [OK]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-24 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 22.The analysis is now complete. The next step is to create an analysis file which can be used later for design optimization or to explore the design domain. –Utility Menu > File > Write DB Log File… Write Database Log to = rotdisk.lgw [OK] –Using a system editor (Notepad or vi), edit the file rotdisk.lgw and: Comment out the /BATCH command, which is usually the first command if present, by inserting a “!” in the first column. Comment out the command “/input,menust,tmp” which is usually the third line if present. Search for EPLOT and uncomment the command (i.e, remove the “!” at the beginning of the line). This will allow the EPLOT command to be executed when you run the analysis file. Search for PLNSOL and uncomment the command. Save and exit the editor.
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-25 2A. Parametric Modeling...Axisymmetric Rotating Disk 23.The final step is to test the analysis file. To do this, clear the database and read input from rotdisk.lgw: –Utility Menu > File > Clear & Start New… [OK] Press Yes on the Verify dialog –Utility Menu > File > Read Input from… Double click on rotdisk.lgw You should now see a replay of the entire analysis. –Toolbar: QUIT Choose Quit - No Save, then [OK] The workshop is now complete. Be sure to keep the analysis file rotdisk.lgw… we will need it in the upcoming workshop exercises.
Hexagonal Steel Plate Workshop 2B Parametric Modeling
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-28 2B. Parametric Modeling Hexagonal Steel Plate Description Build a parametric model of the steel plate shown, using thickness t1 and fillet radius fil as the parameters. All other dimensions are fixed. Loading: tensile pressure (traction) of 50 MPa at the three flat faces. Properties: –Thickness = 10 mm –E = 2.07e5 MPa – = 0.3 Use a 2-D model, and be sure to take advantage of symmetry t1 fil
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-29 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate Instructions 1.Enter ANSYS (or clear the database) and change the jobname to hexplate. 2.Start with an initial design of t1=30 and fil=7: *afun,deg ! Degree units for trig. functions inrad=200*cos(30)-20 t1=30 fil=7 3.Build the full model first. Start by creating three annuli, each with a different center. Use parameters inrad and t1 to define the annuli.
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-30 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 3a.First annulus: –Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Areas- Circle > Partial Annulus WP X = -200 WP Y = 0 Rad-1 = inrad Theta-1 = -30 Rad-2 = inrad+t1 Theta-2 = 30 [Apply]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-31 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 3b.Second annulus: WP X = 200*cos(60) WP Y = 200*sin(60) Rad-1 = inrad Theta-1 = -90 Rad-2 = inrad+t1 Theta-2 = -150 [Apply]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-32 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 3c.Third annulus: WP X = 200*cos(60) WP Y = 200*sin(-60) Rad-1 = inrad Theta-1 = 90 Rad-2 = inrad+t1 Theta-2 = 150 [OK]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-33 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 3d.Add the three areas, then delete the resulting area (but keep the lines). –Preprocessor > -Modeling- Operate > -Booleans- Add > Areas [Pick All] –Preprocessor > -Modeling- Delete > Areas Only [Pick All] –Utility Menu > Plot > Lines –Toolbar > [SAVE_DB]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-34 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 3e.Create fillets at the three interior corners, using parameter fil for the fillet radius. –Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Lines- Line Fillet Pick one pair of interior lines and press [Apply] or middle mouse button, then: RAD = fil [Apply] Pick second pair of interior lines and press [Apply] or middle mouse button, then: RAD = fil [Apply] Pick the last pair of interior lines and press [Apply] or middle mouse button, then: RAD = fil [OK] –Toolbar > [SAVE_DB]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-35 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 4.Now cut out and retain only the 0-60° region (1/6th symmetry). We will do this using two divide-lines-by-working-plane operations. 4a.First rotate the working plane (WP) 90° about X (Y towards Z). –Utility Menu > WorkPlane > Offset WP by Increments… XY, YZ, ZX = 0,90,0 [Apply] 4b.Divide all lines using WP as a cutting tool. –Preprocessor > -Modeling- Operate > -Booleans- Divide > Line by WrkPlane [Pick All] 4c.Rotate the WP 60° about its Y (Z towards X). –Offset WP dialog: XY, YZ, ZX = 0,0,60 [OK]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-36 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 4d.Again divide all lines using WP as a cutting tool, then turn off the working plane. –(Preprocessor > -Modeling- Operate > -Booleans- Divide >) Line by WrkPlane [Pick All] –Utility Menu > WorkPlane > Display Working Plane (change from on to off) 4e.Delete all lines from 60° to 360°. For variety, we will do this using commands. –Input window: csys,1 lsel,s,loc,y,60,360 ldele,all,,,1 lsel,all ksll,u ! Select keypoints not attached to lines kdele,all ! And delete them alls lplot
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-37 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 5.Complete the 1/6th symmetry model by creating the missing lines and then the area. 5a.Create the missing lines (the symmetry edges), then combine the two vertical line segments into one. –Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Lines- Straight Line Pick the two bottom keypoints Then pick the two keypoints along the 60° symmetry edge [Cancel] to close the Create Straight Line dialog –Preprocessor > -Modeling- Operate > -Booleans- Add > Lines Pick the two vertical lines that make up the right edge [OK] [OK] on subsequent dialog (to delete old lines)
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-38 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 5b.Create the area. –Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Areas- Arbitrary > By Lines Choose the Loop option Pick any line… this should show a closed loop [OK] –Toolbar > [SAVE_DB]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-39 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 6.Mesh the area. We will do this by first defining the element type, real constants (thickness), and material properties. 6a.Specify the element type: –Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete… [Add…] –Choose Solid and Quad 8node 82, then [OK] [Options…] –K3 = Plane strs w/thk –[OK] [Close]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-40 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 6b.Define the thickness (real constant): –Preprocessor > Real Constants... [Add…] –[OK] THK = 10 [OK] [Close] 6c.Define material properties: –Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models… Double click through –… Structural … Linear … Elastic … Isotropic EX = 2.07e5(Young’s modulus in MPa) PRXY = 0.3(Poisson’s ratio) [OK] Exit the material GUI
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-41 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 6d.Mesh the model: –Preprocessor > MeshTool… Activate Smart Size Set smart-size level to 3 [Mesh] –[Pick All] on the Mesh Areas dialog [Close] –Toolbar > [SAVE_DB]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-42 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 7.Apply boundary conditions and loads: symmetry b.c. and 50 MPa pres. 7a. Symmetry boundary conditions: –Main Menu > Solution > -Loads- Apply > -Structural- Displacement > -Symmetry B.C.- On Lines Pick two lines: the bottom line and the 60° symmetry edge on the left [OK] 7b.Pressure load: –(Solution >) Apply > -Structural- Pressure > On Lines Pick the vertical line on the right and press middle mouse button or [OK] VALUE = -50 [OK] –Utility Menu > Plot > Lines –Toolbar > [SAVE_DB]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-43 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 8.Obtain the solution. –Input window: eqslv,pcg save solve
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-44 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 9.Review the results: plot von Mises (equivalent) stress contours, then retrieve the maximum equivalent stress and the total volume. 9a.Equivalent stresses: –Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > Nodal Solu… Choose Stress and von Mises SEQV [OK]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-45 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 9b.Graphically expand the model to its full size. –Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Symmetry Expansion > User-Specified Expansion... NREPEAT = 6 TYPE = Polar PATTERN = Alternate Symm DX, DY, DZ = 0, 60, 0 [OK]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-46 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-47 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 9c.Retrieve the maximum equivalent stress SMAX and the total volume VTOT: –Input window: /expand(to turn off symmetry expansion) nsort,s,eqv *get,smax,sort,,max etable,evol,volu ssum *get,vtot,ssum,,item,evol finish
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-48 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 10.The analysis is now complete. The next step is to create an analysis file which can be used later for design optimization or to explore the design domain. –Utility Menu > File > Write DB Log File… Write Database Log to = hexplate.lgw [OK] –Using a system editor (Notepad or vi), edit the file hexplate.lgw and: Comment out the /BATCH command, which is usually the first command if present, by inserting a “!” in the first column. Comment out “/input,menust,tmp,” usually the third line if present. Search for PLNSOL and uncomment the command (i.e, remove the “!” at the beginning of the line). This will allow the PLNSOL command to be executed when you run the analysis file. Also uncomment the /EXPAND and the /REPLOT on the following line. Remove references to solid model entity numbers as explained next...
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS (continued) Remove references to solid model entity numbers... –Comment out the four lines ending with AADD,P51X and replace with aadd,all –Comment out the following ADELE command and replace with adele,all –Comment out the three LFILLT commands and replace with: csys,1 *do,yval,0,240,120! Execute following commands for yval = 0, 120, 240 ksel,s,loc,y,yval ksel,r,loc,x,0,90! To avoid picking up another keypoint at x (R) = 100 lslk lfillt,lsnext(0),lsnext(lsnext(0)),fil ! LSNEXT(0) returns lowest selected line no. > 0 *enddo alls –Comment out the eight lines ending with the first LSBW,P51X command and replace with lsbw,all –Comment out the ten lines ending with the second LSBW,P51X command and replace with lsbw,all 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS (continued) –Comment out the two LSTR commands and replace with: csys,1 ksel,s,loc,y,0 lstr,kpnext(0),kpnext(kpnext(0)) ! Kpnext(0) returns lowest numbered keypt > 0 ksel,s,loc,y,60 lstr,kpnext(0),kpnext(kpnext(0)) allsel –Comment out the four lines ending in LCOMB,P51X and replace with: csys,0 lsel,s,loc,x,100 *get,nl,line,,count ! Number of lines *if,nl,gt,1,then lcomb,all *endif allsel –Comment out the eight lines ending in AL,P51X and replace with: al,all –Comment out the lines between MSHKEY,0 and /UI,MESH,OFF and replace with: amesh,all 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS (continued) –Comment out the four lines ending in DL,P51X,,SYMM and replace with: csys,1 lsel,s,loc,y,0 lsel,a,loc,y,60 dl,all,,symm lsel,all –Comment out the five lines ending in SFL,P51X,PRES,-50 and replace with: csys,0 lsel,s,loc,x,100 sfl,all,pres,-50 lsel,all –Save the file (hexplate.lgw) and exit the editor. 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # WS2-52 2B. Parametric Modeling...Hexagonal Steel Plate 11.The final step is to test the analysis file. To do this, clear the database and read input from hexplate.lgw: –Utility Menu > File > Clear & Start New… [OK] Press Yes on the Verify dialog –Utility Menu > File > Read Input from… Double click on hexplate.lgw You should now see a replay of the entire analysis. –Toolbar: QUIT Choose Quit - No Save, then [OK] The workshop is now complete. Be sure to keep the analysis file hexplate.lgw… we will need it in the upcoming workshop exercises.