U SING A W ORD P ROCESSOR Chapter 2. W HAT IS A W ORD P ROCESSOR ? It is a computer application program used to create, modify, print, and e-mail documents.


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Presentation transcript:


W HAT IS A W ORD P ROCESSOR ? It is a computer application program used to create, modify, print, and documents Professional looking documents Letters Resumes Reports

C REATING D OCUMENT T EXT Text is inserted at the insertion point and moves to the right as more text is added The word wrap features moves text automatically to the next line once it reaches the right margin Pressing Enter will automatically include space after each line of text Ideal for memos Letters should not have extra space The AutoCorrect feature automatically corrects misspelled words and incorrect capitalization

E DITING T EXT To Edit (modify) a document place the insertion point where text is to be typed or deleted Undo button on the Quick Access toolbar reverses the last action performed Redo button repeats the last action performed Easy to edit a document when formatting marks are displayed Click Home ⇒ Show/Hide ¶ Click Show/Hide ¶ again to hide the formatting marks

S PELLING AND G RAMMAR C HECKING Spelling checker automatically checks words by comparing them to a dictionary file If misspelled, a red wavy line appears below it Right click the word and then click on the correct spelling from the menu Grammar Checker Displays a green wavy line below a phrase or sentence when a possible grammatical error is detected Right click the word to display possible suggestions Blue wavy line Indicates word may be inappropriate for the context of the sentence Please give them there uniforms Should be their

P RACTICE : R EQUEST Complete exercise on pages 41-42

S ELECTING T EXT Editing is faster when text is selected first Click and drag mouse over text to be selected to highlight it Use backspace or delete keys to remove selected area Can type to replace selected text with new text Double-click a word Extends the selection from the first character to the space after the word Triple-click a paragraph Selects an entire paragraph Hold down the Shift key and click a character Extends the selection from the insertion point to the character in the direction of the arrow CTRL + SHIFT + an arrow key Extends the from the insertion point to the word in the direction of the arrow key CTRL + click anywhere in a sentence Selects the sentence Move the pointer to the left of the text until it changes to a mouse pointer arrow and click Selects the line of text to the right Click Home ⇒ Select ⇒ Select All Selects all of the text in the document

C UT, C OPY AND P ASTE Moving text means that selected text is cut from one place in a document and then pasted into another place Duplicating text means that selected text is copied from one place in a document and the copy pasted into another place 1. Select the text to be moved or copied 2. Click either Home ⇒ Cut or Home ⇒ Copy 3. Place the insertion point in the document where the text is to be inserted 4. Click Home ⇒ Paste. Click Paste Options button to adjust the formatting

C UT, C OPY AND P ASTE Clipboard Designated area in memory Remains there until the text is either replaced or computer is turned off Stores the last 24 cut or copied items Click an item in the Clipboard task pane to paste it at the insertion point. To delete an item, point to the item and then click the arrow to display the Delete command To close the Clipboard task pane, click Close


F INDING T EXT Word can search for a specified character, word or phrase Click Home ⇒ Find Matches are displayed in the Navigation pane Click a match to navigate to that location in the document Can also search for objects Click Find Options and additional search commands arrow in the Navigation pane, then select an option in the Find list

R EPLACING T EXT Word can replace text with other text Click Home ⇒ Replace Enter in the text to find as well as the text to replace the found text Can make it more specific Match case

F ORMATTING C HARACTERS Format The way text appears on the page Font, size, and style define a character’s format Font (typeface) Shape of characters Default is Calibri Font size Measured in points 72 points to an inch Font style The way in which a character is emphasized Regular text Bold text Underline text Shadow or bevel Font color

P REVIEW AND P RINT A D OCUMENT Previewing a document Shows what printouts will look like Select File ⇒ Print to display print settings in Backstage view


P ARAGRAPH A LIGNMENT Alignment Its position relative to the sides of the page Left (left edge of a paragraph is straight and the right edge is jagged) Centered (left and right edges of the paragraph are equally distant from the left and right sides of the page) Right (right edge of the paragraph is straight and left edges are jagged) Justified (creates straight edges at both sides of a paragraph

P ARAGRAPH A LIGNMENT On the Home tab Click Align Text Left, Center, Align Text Right, and Justify to format the paragraph that contains the insertion point To format several paragraphs together First select the paragraphs then adjust the alignment

I NSERTING S YMBOLS There are symbols that do not appear on the keyboard Copyright Degree symbols Insert ⇒ Symbol to select the symbol needed If not shown, select More Symbols to display the Symbol dialog box

H YPERLINKS IN A D OCUMENT Word automatically formats Web site addresses as hyperlinks Applies similar formatting to addresses To remove the hyperlink from text Right-click the link and then select Remove Hyperlink from the menu

U SING A T HESAURUS Thesaurus A collection of synonyms (words with similar meanings) Provides related words, phrases and antonyms (words with opposite meaning) Place insertion point in a word Review ⇒ Thesaurus to display the Research Task pane To replace the selected word with one from the Research task pane Click the arrow to the right of the word and select Insert from the displayed menu


E- MAILING A D OCUMENT Fast and efficient message delivery system in which Word documents can be attached to a message Select File ⇒ Save & Send ⇒ Send Using ⇒ Send as Attachment to display message window with the address boxes and the document as an attachment Type address of recipient in the TO box File name automatically appears as the Subject

P RACTICE : O RIENTATION Complete page 56

R EVIEWING A D OCUMENT Document collaboration Working with others to create, review, and revise a document to achieve the best end result Peer editing Have a peer over look your work to catch mistakes Provide him/her with a printed copy of work to write on and make changes Can also Track changes electronically Allows reviewer to type edits and add comments directly into the document itself Changes will be recorded as they are made so that the author can later decide which changes to keep and which to discard

R EVIEWING A D OCUMENT Click Review ⇒ Track Changes Track changes button remains selected when changes are being tracked Comments can help explain edits Click Review ⇒ New Comment

R EADING A D OCUMENT O N S CREEN Print Layout view is the default view in Word 2010 Documents can be magnified or reduced by clicking View ⇒ Zoom and then selecting an option in the Zoom dialog box

P RACTICE : B ENEFIT Complete pages Complete Exercise 1 on Page 66