Chapter 2
This presentation covers the following: – Command Line – Forms – Menus – Natural Language
Makes use of a command prompt. The user must know what the commands are and what they do in a lot of detail. They are mostly used by expert users such as Network Administrators. As the computer can be controlled directly it can sometimes cause problems if a user makes a mistake.
The command ipconfig shows the details of your network connections.
Many commands have switches which allow users to do different things. The previous screenshot showed what happens when ipconfig is typed in. ipconfig /all provides further information.
Forms allow users to input data into a system. They are used when we know what kind of data we want to input. They can provide context-based assistant and can be used to ensure that ‘bad’ data does not enter a system through use of validation rules and verification checks. They also provide an interface which stops the user from entering information, asks a question and awaits a response before allowing the user to continue.
Menus store instructions in a logical order. They are usually found in toolbars in application software but can also be found when right clicking on a PC mouse. They are often cascaded and follow a path to an instruction – usually within a certain context e.g. Save and Print can be found under File.
Natural Language interfaces allow the user to use their own language to communicate with a computer. Two types include: – Spoken – Written Voice recognition can be used to input instructions into a system. Written words can be used to perform specific instructions in a system.
The game End War will allow users to input instructions into the game through voice commands.
Certain websites and help files allow you to type in questions to get answers.
Those of you who have watched Star Trek will know that the crew of the Enterprise were able to ask the computer a question and the computer was able to understand them. We are a long way off from that but technology is getting closer. Eventually everyone, no matter on ability, will be able to use ICT through a natural language interface.
Describe three advantages of using a command-line interface. Where would the use of a forms interface be appropriate. What are the disadvantages of a natural language voice interface. Describe three characteristics of a menu interface.