The American Medical Student Association Welcome Announcements Sara Nobbe: Rosalind Franklin University SOM (Chicago Medical School)
Happy Birthday! Omar Alzein Michael Anjorin
MCAT QUESTION OF THE DAY! Answer the question and win a prize! You readdddyyy?
Biology The liver has all of the following functions EXCEPT: A. The storage of glycogen. B. The conversion of carbohydrates to fats. C. Deamination of amino acids. D. Synthesis of red blood cells.
Gen Chem A sample of oxygen contains 2.5 moles of O2 molecules. What is the mass of the sample? A. 20 g B. 40 g C. 60 g D. 80 g
Physics An object of mass m is dropped from a height of h meters; its speed at impact with the ground is v m/s. If an object of mass 4m were dropped from a height of h meters, determine its speed at impact. (Ignore air resistance). A. v B. 2v C. 4v D. 16v
Orgo What is the usual valence number for Carbon in a covalent compound? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8
CAN Announcement Loyola Gives –Please give $1 to Loyola Gives –Goes toward buying cuddly stuff animals, diapers, and toys to children.
CAN Announcement Petition for to help student organizations across campus because they are really struggling with promoting and publicizing events. Goal: 1,000 signatures a-university-chicago-revise-policies-to- help-promote-our-organizations-and- programshttps:// a-university-chicago-revise-policies-to- help-promote-our-organizations-and- programs 9
Upcoming AMSA Events November 2012 Wednesday, November 28 th: AMSA MEETING IN LSB 142: Rosalind Franklin SOM (Chicago Medical School) Admissions Presentation 6PM-7PM with COMMITTEE MEETINGS AFTER! 7:15PM-8PM. Wednesday, December 5 th : FINAL AMSA MEETING OF THE YEAR! We invite all AMSA members to join us as we celebrate a wonderful semester! We will be having a party here in LSB 142 at 6-7pm with food, music, and decent conversations! We will also be hosting an Award Ceremony to recognize our most active members! All are welcome (:
Join a Committee! Advocacy: Aravind Jagadeesan Healthcare Ethics: Annie Bolamperti Community Outreach: Anisa Pashaj Fellowship: Ankit Patel Campus Activities: Burhan Adhami Research: Rizwan Khan
Get your T-Shirt! T-shirts have arrived—pick yours up today if you haven’t already received one! Never too late to be a member! $20 & 20 points!
Office Hours (Office located in LSB Atrium; 3 rd floor) *Now by appointment only* If you want to meet with any one of the E-Board members to pay your dues, socialize, or make your voice heard, please schedule an appointment by ing us at with your reason and availability
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: Facebook Group: AMSA-LoyolaAMSA-Loyola #amsaluc
Inspire Hour: AMSA Quote of the Week! “It is much more important to know what sort of a patient has a disease, then what sort of a disease a patient has.” ~Sir William Osler
Welcome Sara Nobbe!
Committee Meetings! Advocacy: Aravind Jagadeesan Healthcare Ethics: Annie Bolamperti Community Outreach: Anisa Pashaj Fellowship: Ankit Patel Campus Activities: Burhan Adhami Research: Rizwan Khan 7:15-8pm
Thank you AMSA! See you next week!