Advice for Young Child Behavior Christopher Lever Community Pediatric Consultant
Objectives Discuss typical negative behavioral encounters in pediatric medicine Consider some medical evaluation when negative behavior presents Have an approach to give advice to parents regarding negative child behavior
Stages 9-12 months months 5-year-olds Preadolescents Adolescents
Cases? Food refusal 20-month-old refusing to eat supper Oppositionality 3-year-old girl talking back after visits with her father Sleep difficulties For your old waking up six times at night after hospitalization for asthma
The Pediatrician’s Role Listen Consider pathology Give specific advice Give references and resource information
Medical Considerations Iron deficiency Nocturnal seizures Thyroid disease Steroid use Pain syndromes [example-migraine] Sensory impairment Cognitive impairment
Mental Health Considerations Anxiety Obsessive-compulsive disorder Major depressive illness Personality type
Other Considerations Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder Oppositional defined disorder Conduct disorder Child-parent interaction difficulty Cognitive impairment Learning difficulty Autistic spectrum disorder Fetal alcohol syndrome
Advice Consider the developmental age of the child Normalize behavior, if possible Educate parents The golden rules
Advice- The Golden Rules Ignore what you can ignore Praise specific desired behavior Give appropriate consequences for native behavior Be consistent-that means everybody! Give the child choices if possible Be a role model Empower parents Recognize special situations such as single parents, divorced parents, and different cultural views
Consequences Natural consequences Timeout principal Token economies Lost privileges Corporal punishment
Advice-summary themes Use simple language Pick your battles Allow for safe and unstructured activities
Other resources Managing childhood behavior [ Reference list’s-Canadian Pediatric Society or others Counseling services Private psychology
Summary Negative behavior is common and should be asked about during any patient encounter Consider medical problems directly contributing to negative behavior. Know and use the golden rules of advice Educate parents A resource list is useful and should be readily available