Level 2_family siblingssiblings folksfolks only child in-lawsin-laws
Level 2_family siblingssiblings folksfolks only child in-lawsin-laws
Level 2_family siblingssiblings folksfolks only child in-lawsin-laws brothers or sisters the parents of your husband or wife husband or wife the parents of your husband or wife husband or wife parents, mother and father somebody who has no brothers or sisters
Level 2_family siblingssiblings folksfolks only child in-lawsin-laws brothers or sisters the parents of your husband or wife husband or wife the parents of your husband or wife husband or wife parents, mother and father somebody who has no brothers or sisters
Level 2_family
Do you have siblings? Tell us about them. Do you have siblings? Tell us about them. Why do siblings usually fight so much? Why do siblings usually fight so much? Do you live with your folks? Do you live with your folks? How often do you see them? How often do you see them? Do you get on well with your in-laws? Do you get on well with your in-laws? Do you think it is better to be an only child or to have lots of siblings? Why? Do you think it is better to be an only child or to have lots of siblings? Why? Do you have children? Tell us about them. Do you have children? Tell us about them. What’s the best age to have children? What’s the best age to have children? Do you have siblings? Tell us about them. Do you have siblings? Tell us about them. Why do siblings usually fight so much? Why do siblings usually fight so much? Do you live with your folks? Do you live with your folks? How often do you see them? How often do you see them? Do you get on well with your in-laws? Do you get on well with your in-laws? Do you think it is better to be an only child or to have lots of siblings? Why? Do you think it is better to be an only child or to have lots of siblings? Why? Do you have children? Tell us about them. Do you have children? Tell us about them. What’s the best age to have children? What’s the best age to have children?
End of activity. Voice Chat moderators : please end session here and see following slide for teachers’ feedback link. End of activity. Voice Chat moderators : please end session here and see following slide for teachers’ feedback link.