Starter question Draw a diagram to illustrate what a coolling curve looks like Draw a diagram to illustrate what a phase diagram looks like Explain why the critical point is special
Solubility Diagrams This is a solubility diagram. It shows how much of a substance can be dissolved at a certain temperature
The Solution Process A solution is an example of an homogeneous mixture When the solute particles separate from each other energy is either lost of gained It is formed when a solute, is dissolved in a solvent If the solvent is water we can refer to the solution as being an aqueous solution If energy is lost we refer to the process as being exothermic When a solution forms solute particles must separate from each other and mix with the solvent particles If energy is gained we refer to the process as being endothermic
complete the guided notes Complete the worksheet Today’s Tasks Look up and write the definitions for the following words in your notes; Solute, solvent, solution, concentrated, dilute, saturated, super saturated, solvation complete the guided notes Complete the worksheet
Solute A substance dissolved in solution Solvent The substance that dissolves a solute to form a solution Solution A mixture of a solute and a solvent Concentrated Solution A solution which has a large amount of solute dissolved Dilute Solution A solution which has a small amount of solute dissolved Saturate Solution A solution that contains the maximum amount od dissolved solute for a given amount of solvent at a specific temperature and pressure
Supersaturated A solution that contains more dissolved solute than a saturated solution at the same temperature Solvation A process of surrounding solute particles with solvent particles to form a solution, occurs only where and when the solute and solvent particles come into contact with each other.
Exit Ticket Answer the following questions based on the solubility curve in your notes. Which salt is least soluble at 20oC? How many grams of potassium chloride can be dissolved in 200g of water at 80oC? At 40oC how much potassium nitrate can be dissolved in 300g of water? A saturated solution on potassium chlorate is formed from 100g of water. If the saturated solution is cooled from 80oC to 50oC, how many grams of precipitate are formed? What compound shows a decrease is solubility from 0oC to 100oC?