The ATLAS Tiles Hadronic Calorimeter


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Presentation transcript:

The ATLAS Tiles Hadronic Calorimeter Status Of: Construction Testing Calibration Irene Vichou, UoA 18/04/2003 Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR)

Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) Layout of the Talk Description of the TileCal detector Role in ATLAS Performance issues Achievements on the construction Mechanics / Optics Electronics Pre-assembly Calibration and Testing Relevant performance Steps that we still have to climb… Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

The TileCal detector in ATLAS Sampling Fe/Scintillator 3 cylinders of 64 modules Dimensions Total weight 2900 T 64x(B~21 T / EB~11 T) ~10K r/o channels |h| coverage up to 1.7 R=4.3m BARREL EB R=2.3m Consists of : modules, weight, dimensions, eta coverage, 5.6m 2.9m Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) TileCal principle PMT fibre tiles Steel/Scintillating tiles and fibres Thickness of Steel:4mm, Tile:3mm 11 tiles radially read by 2 fibres Segmentation easy by construction Dh x Df = 0.1 x 0.1 3 radial samplings (1.4,4.0,1.8 l at h=0 ) Good hermeticity Nice solution for housing electronics One TileCal Module Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

TileCal hadronic calorimeter Role of TileCal: Reconstruct the energy and direction of jets and hadrons Contribute to the ETmiss measurement Assist to the e/g identification (leakage cut) Help in m identification (clean signal in 3rd sampling) Monitor the luminosity by the minimum bias events current Performance issues: Energy resolution Linearity 1%-2% from few GeV to ~TeV S/N for m’s Overall ~6 (digital electronics) 3rd sampling ~2 ( for LVL1 analogue sums) Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

TileCal construction (mechanics and optics) The detector consists of 3 cylinders of 64 modules each. All modules are constructed and instrumented optically!! Type Construction Optics Time Barrel Russia CERN July 99- Sept 02 Ext. Barrel A USA Dec 99- Oct 02 Ext. Barrel C Spain Sept 99- May 02 Finished! Materials from 10 institutes Delicate procedure! Optical elements per module: 3355 (1852) tiles for a Barrel (Ext. Barrel) Number of fibres is twice the above 26 to 92 fibres read by a PMT Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

TileCal Instrumentation A barrel module during optics instrumentation with tiles and fibres Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

TileCal Modules stored Building 175 Building 185 All modules arrive at CERN for cylinder pre-assembly Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

Optics Quality Control One readout cell All individual optical components are “seen” in this shadowgram. A hydraulically driven Cs source system scans the cells The individual optics elements responses are extracted Their uniformity should be < 10% Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

Optics Quality Results Uniformity of optics response inside a cell (goal was 10%) 7% Barrel Modules Ext. Barrel Modules 7% Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

Preassembly of Ext. Barrel Started in Nov 2002 and finished 3 days ago! Reasons to pre-assemble: Test the assembly, develop and use tooling Correct positioning, study deformations Steps ready to repeat in the pit Next steps: Dis-assemble the cylinder except 18 base modules (they will be lowered on their cradle in the ATLAS pit) Do the same for the other two cylinders Test dummy weight of the cryostat inside TileCal Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) Ext. Barrel Cylinder Webcam image of the pre-assembly 3 days ago !!! Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

Ext. Barrel Cylinder The Ext. Barrel cylinder pre-assembly Height :8.5 m Weight ~700 T Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) TileCal Electronics Particles from detector Mixer PMT Divider 3-in-1 Optical Link Interface ADC Integrator Adder ROD DC Calibrations TTC Mother Board Block L H Drawer Laser Digitiser On detector Pulse calibration Cs, MinBias particles External µ Trigger Hadron Trigger Energy Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) Drawer Electronics Readout electronics HV distributor PMT block Assembled/tested in Athens Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) Status of electronics PMT Blocks (10000 in total) 45% produced and tested at the University of Athens (materials coming from 10 other labs) Drawers production Series assembly just started in France All components are available in time for production Digitizers and Adders have started being produced in series. External electronics R&D almost finished, final kick-off next year (RODs, optical links) Drawers getting ready for the Barrel pre-assembly Very strict QC protocols are applied in testing our electronics either individually or in assemblies! Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) Particle beam tests Setup for testbeam calibration e, m e, m, p This is where the detector becomes “alive”: TileCal tested together with ATLAS r/o and DAQ components 1 out of 8 modules exposed set the EM scale of the cells (pCb/GeV value) check the uniformity transfer of mip m’s response via Cs data across detector setup trigger conditions optimise hardware settings, e.g timing test E,t reconstruction algorithms Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

Highlights from testbeam Electrons at 90o, pCb/GeV values in different modules: Applied optimal filtering in pulse reconstruction online (for ROD): improvement in E resolution by 15% for p’s Tested m reconstruction efficiency in last sampling to assist in the LVL1 trigger (complementary to m system) This is the last year of calibration for TileCal. Next year’s run is combined with the EM calorimeter, including tests at very low energies (~1 GeV). Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

Simulation: use of Geant4 Electrons Pions Muons G3 vs G4 vs testbeam data G4 is closer to TileCal testbeam data, but improvements are expected Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) Next important step Certification, Calibration of Barrel modules: Test modules equipped with electronics Use final ATLAS r/o and DAQ hardware Set their final operating conditions (HV, gains etc) Store the constants in a final database for ATLAS use Preassembly of the cylinder Run the Cs source in full scale TileCal This will be a useful testbench on how to commission and operate the detector! It’s a complicated project and a working group is already in place. Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

Area for certification CERN, B175 Clean area for certification and preparation Control Rooms Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

The University of Athens ATLAS TileCal Group Members: Antonaki A., Fassouliotis D., Giakoumopoulou V., Giokaris N., Lembesi M., Manousakis A., Morphi M., Tatsis S., Tzanakos G., Vichou I. Responsibilities are: PMT blocks assembly, test and characterization Participation in: Certification and calibration procedure: Cs source monitoring system Database development for final certification results Performance studies: Jet absolute energy scale calibration Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003

Conclusions and Outlook Up to now: The detector construction has finished. The pre-assembly of one wheel was successfully completed! The performance of TileCal is well understood with testbeam and Monte-Carlo. Electronics production is under control. Near future: Equip all modules with electronics Finish testbeam calibration this summer Pre-assemble barrel and 2nd Ext. Barrel cylinder and practice on how to commission TileCal Start assembly in the pit (mid-2004) More distant future: Commissioning in the pit Well-known physics to check the detector (LHC start) Ready for more exciting physics! Irene Vichou, HEP2003, Athens(GR) 18/04/2003