A UTOMATED Design Team 8 -David Martinez Robert Raley James Wilson A DJUSTABLE T ABLE Status Report # 8 April 14, 2010
N EED AND M ILESTONES Finalized design, ordered Microcontroller and Sensors - completed Programmed microcontroller - completed Purchased parts for table & built XY-Table – completed Integrated linear actuators with XY-Table and microcontroller, ordered power supply and motors – completed Integrated power supply and motors to table and microcontroller – completed Test and make necessary adjustments – completed Prototype demonstration – 14 Apr 10 Individuals with limited upper body movement are in need of a workspace that can adapt to their orientation.
Recently Completed Tasks Attached and tested range finding sensors to programmable track Fully integrated all sensors to motors, actuators, motor controllers, and microcontroller Adjusted 12” actuator to set front/back limit Purchased switches and hand-crank legs for table
Pending and Ongoing Tasks Waiting arrival of hand-crank legs Attaching switch panel to table and integrate with system Further testing and adjustment of software and table
Upcoming Tasks Finalize circuit schematic and submit for PCB production Organize placement of all wires Attach hand-crank legs to table
Power Supply 100% Sensors 100% Microcontroller 98% Controllers 100% Motors 100% Table 98%