Summary: Context… Monitoring Goals… Methods… Results and Comparisons 2010 vs Fish Size, DDT Skin-on vs Skin-off preparation method Other Contaminants Conclusions
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program Goals Exploratory monitoring: since Characterize toxic contaminants at sites that lack data. Long Term monitoring: begin in Track contaminant levels over time at selected sites. Cooperative/complementary efforts; address new concerns.
Goals of WSTMP 2010 sample effort Focus on Long Term Monitoring component Lake Chelan, Wenatchee River, Banks Lake Compare results: Historical vs 2010 Compare prep method: skin-on vs skin-off Improve characterization of toxics in tissue Support DOH data needs for review of FCA Involve others: local gov’t, citizens, guides
Lake Chelan: 2010 effort Mimic 2003 effort to collect/analyze lake trout Time and location: 5/17/03 and 6/3/10 in Wapato Basin Collection: H/L (derby in 2003, local guides in 2010) Fish size: match weight range used in 2003 composites Preparation: skin-on fillets both years (2010 add skin-off) Lab Analyses DDT: EPA 8081 at MEL in 2003 and 2010 Lab Used: MEL; EPA-2003; ECY-2010
Results DDT levels: 2010 and 2003 Compare skin-on vs skin-off preparation Levels of other contaminants Fish Consumption Advice
Boxplots of the 2003 and 2010 results for t-DDT
Summary of Two-Sample t-Tests for t-DDT in Samples from 2003 and 2010.
Total DDT levels in lake trout from 2010 remain high. DDT levels are higher than those in 2003.
Summary of Paired-Sample t-Test for Skin-On and Skin-Off Samples.
Different fish preparation methods (skin-on vs skin-off) showed little or no difference in tissue DDT levels.
Conclusions Total DDT levels in lake trout from 2010 remain high. Levels are higher than they were in Different fish preparation methods (skin-on vs skin-off) showed little or no difference in tissue DDT levels. Lake trout also have high levels of PBDE flame retardants, dioxins/furans, and elevated levels of PCBs. Lake trout in Lake Chelan tend to be good biomagnifiers of environmental pollutants because they are: large, long-lived, fatty, and are at top of food web.
Contacts and Websites Ecology - Fish Tissue Monitoring: Keith Seiders, , Health – Fish Consumption Advice: Dave McBride, , Ecology Web site Toxic Hazards: Health Web site - Environmental Health:
Lab Method Differences between 2003 and 2010 Lipids: different sample prep (extraction solvents). Results not comparable. Dioxins/furans: similar yet different methods. Results comparable for this study. Mercury: different sample prep (rigor of digestion). Comparability of results good for most purposes when conversion factor used for estimations.