TLDN Testing Kickoff Meeting Welcome! November 24, 2008 Ann Marie Munno VeriSign
2 Welcome to TLDN Testing & Formatting meeting! Introductions Work item overview
3 Carriers Voted…. Better TLDN Testing needed.. Testing and formatting of TLDNs Carriers have noted that trouble shooting roaming issues is difficult because there is no efficient way to know if the TLDN is behaving properly and would like to find a way to reduce the number of errors associated with TLDNs.
4 Carriers Voted…. Better TLDN Testing needed.. The carriers that ranked this as a high priority (1-5 of the 25 possible work items) are the following: Guamcell KDDI TNZ BTC Pelephone Bell Mobility Oceanic Digital Sprint TELUS LG Telecom
5 You input is needed!
6 Discuss WorkItem and Approach Use the Wiki – “TLDN Testing sharepoint” Conference Calls shall be scheduled to discuss work item deliverables Status to be presented at CDG IRT meetings
7 What is problem… Open Dialog? –Testing and formatting of TLDNs Carriers have noted that trouble shooting roaming issues is difficult because there is no efficient way to know if the TLDN is behaving properly and would like to find a way to reduce the number of errors associated with TLDNs. –Describe Scenarios, Share Experiences
8 What should be Mission or Objective of this Task group? –Gather, Research and Recommend Options for Process Improvements? Test Scripts? Develop white paper communications? Promote recommendation to industry to encourage implementation of Recommended Option?
9 Your input is the key to our success …