Presented by: Marianne Cardwell, Woolpert, Inc. Cheryl Spencer, City of Indianapolis February 23, 2010 Voter Information Portal
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Overview History Demo Architecture
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference HISTORY
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference History First Polling Place Locator in late 1990’s. Original vision To locate a voter’s polling location based on their address. Used ArcIMS-based technology to display polling location information in a web application. Voter Information Portal (VIP) is the 4 th generation of the Polling Place Locator.
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Challenges Geocoding Used fallback (composite) geocoding from parcels to streets. Unable to locate 100% of addresses in Marion County Missing information Match scores not meeting threshold set in locator In a few cases street range interpolation put the address coordinate in the wrong precinct.
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Geocoding
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Geocoding (2)
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Geocoding (3)
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Application and Server Performance
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Indiana Statewide Voter Registration System
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Voter Information Portal Upgrade technology Find a way to achieve better geocode matches. Same functionality as previous versions with the addition of sample ballots. Create a management portal for the Election Board personnel to manage candidates, sample ballots, and update elected official information.
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference DEMO
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference VIP Demo Include video, just in case!
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference ARCHITECTURE
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Overall Architecture (1)
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Overall Architecture (2) Service-oriented architecture. Bulk of logic in services. JavaScript code mainly contains page layout and interaction.
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Dojo Widgets VIP uses 10 custom widgets: Address component: provides geocoding-like functionality. Tabs: each VIP tab is a widget. Provides user with information obtained from the Elections Service. Directions widget: provides directions using Microsoft’s Bing Maps API. Widgets developed so they can be used in other web applications.
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Address Component (1) Custom Dojo widget used within a number of online city applications. User can enter street addresses or intersections. Lists suggestions. Uses city’s Master Address Database (MAD). No geocoding or ArcObjects.
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Address Component (2) MAD (Oracle) Parcel Addresses Building Addresses Unit Addresses Street Address Ranges GIS (SDE) Parcels Polygon FC Buildings Polygon FC Units Point FC Streets Polyline FC x 3,y x 0,y x 2,y 2 x 1,y E Washington St
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Election Service – Structure WCF Service with 2 interfaces with identical methods: Client-side applications interface: methods are REST-enabled and called via GET requests. All input parameters are strings. Server-side applications interface: service can easily be added as a service reference in Visual Studio. Input parameter types vary.
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Election Service – Functionality Possible Inputs: Address XY coordinates Precinct Returns: polling place locations satellite voting locations voter registration information voting districts elected officials candidates ballots
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Obtaining Polling Place Input: XY coordinates Point in Polygon Query: which precinct polygon is point in? Tabular Query: which polling place is associated with the precinct? APIP Web Service Query Web Service
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Obtaining Elected Officials (1) Input: XY coordinates Tabular Query: get list of positions For each position, get precinct feature class Point in Polygon Query: which precinct is it in? Tabular Query: which elected official is in this position in this district? APIP Web Service
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Obtaining Elected Officials (2) Positions Table Districts Table
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference Obtaining Elected Officials (3)
–2010 Indiana GIS Conference QUESTIONS?