Status update of L1 Plots for note Hardeep Bansil, Juraj Bracinik, Paul Newman University of Birmingham Trigger E/Gamma Signature Group Meeting 08/07/2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Status update of L1 Plots for note Hardeep Bansil, Juraj Bracinik, Paul Newman University of Birmingham Trigger E/Gamma Signature Group Meeting 08/07/2010

Update Latest plots added to agenda and sharepointsharepoint Added results for run to plots to slightly improve statistics Will make preselection match closer to what Michele and Martin use – Vertexing requirements or is MBTS timing better? Will update some of the resolutions and efficiencies to exclude the transition region Will also analyse medium electrons too Trigger Tower plots - Can cut out more towers where it is known there are problems After long struggle, do have some Monte Carlo samples to compare with – plots to be updated soon 2

Update η ranges for photons and electrons – Exclude transition region (1.37 < |η| < 1.52) – Also do you require |η| < 2.37/2.47 for photons and electrons? Finding out problems on η-φ map relating to bad channels Mean on E T resolution plot too large (19%) – Using DESDM_EGAMMA for analysis – Get the offline e/γ [egamma] – Get the CaloCluster [cluster()] – How to get raw E T for this? E T Resolution v E T – μ and σ as function of E T 3 Mean = 0.19