Text Building a Website Lesson 3
Headings,,,,, Headings,,,,, HTML has 6 levels of headings,,,,,,,,,, is used for main headings is used for main headings is used for sub-headings is used for sub-headings
Paragraphs Paragraphs To create a paragraph, surround the words of the paragraph with the tags and. The browser will automatically show each new paragraph on a new line.
Bold Bold By enclosing words within the tags and, you can make the characters appear bold. You may also use the tag to make key words stand out in a sentence.
Italics Italics By enclosing words within the tags and, you can make the characters appear italic. The element also represents a section of the text that would said in a different way than the other text.
Superscript & Subscript & Superscript & Subscript & The element is used to make characters appear in superscript, such as 2 2 or 2 nd The element is used to make characters appear in subscript, such as H 2 0.
White Space When the browser comes across 2 or more spaces next to each other, it only displays one space. If it comes across 2 or more empty lines, it displays that as a single blank line. This is call white space collapsing.
Line Breaks Line Breaks If you want to add a line break inside the middle of a paragraph, you can use the tag If you want to add a line break inside the middle of a paragraph, you can use the tag Notice that this tag doesn’t come in a pair, only one tag is necessary. This is called an empty element. Empty elements have one tag that ends with a space and forward slash before the closing bracket.
Horizontal Lines Horizontal Lines To create a break between topics, you can use a horizontal line to break them up, To create a break between topics, you can use a horizontal line to break them up, Notice this is an empty element. Add an extra space and forward slash to the inside of the tag.
Attributes Attributes tell us more about the content of an element. They are made of 2 parts: a name and a value (in “ ”), separate by an equals (=) sign. This tag tells the browser that the paragraph is written in English from the USA. Paragraph in English Paragraph in English This tag tells the browser that the paragraph is written in French. Paragraphe en Francais Paragraphe en Francais Attributes cannot be placed on their own. They must be placed within an element.
Abbreviations & Acronyms Abbreviations & Acronyms Abbreviations and acronyms are title attributes. They need to have a name and a value. To abbreviate Professor to Prof, use this tag Prof Prof Notice the tag has title in it, since it is a title attribute. To use an acronym for NASA, use this tag NASA NASA file://localhost/Users/lnsd/Documents/Coding Powerpoints/abbr.html file://localhost/Users/lnsd/Documents/Coding Powerpoints/abbr.html
Hyperlink & Link Destination Hyperlink & Link Destination The tag defines a hyperlink, which is used to link from one page to another. The most important attribute of the element is the href attribute, which indicates the link's destination. By default, links will appear as follows in all browsers: 1.An unvisited link is underlined and blue 2.A visited link is underlined and purple 3.An active link is underlined and red Visit Los Nietos School District Visit Los Nietos School District file://localhost/Users/lnsd/Documents/Coding Powerpoints/href code.html file://localhost/Users/lnsd/Documents/Coding Powerpoints/href code.html
Author Details Author Details The element has a very specific use: to contain contact details of the author of the page. It can contain a physical address or an address. Browsers often display the contents of in italics. The tags must be placed around the tags. file://localhost/Users/lnsd/Documen ts/Coding Powerpoints/address code.html file://localhost/Users/lnsd/Documen ts/Coding Powerpoints/address code.html
Changes to Content,, & Changes to Content,, & The element can be used to show text that has been inserted into a document. The content of is usually underlined The element can be used to show text that has been deleted from it. The content of usually has a line through it. The element (strikethrough) indicates something that is no longer accurate or relevant (but that should not be deleted). The content of is displayed with a line through the center. file://localhost/Users/lnsd/Documents/Codin g Powerpoints/changes to content.html file://localhost/Users/lnsd/Documents/Codin g Powerpoints/changes to content.html