Welcome parents! Ms. Barron - English 1 Pre-AP (512) 464 – 6188 (but please !)
A little about Ms. Barron… Graduated from The University of Michigan – Dearborn (Go Blue!) with a BA in English in 2008 I am certified in English Language Arts and Reading grades 4-8 and 8-12 and Social Studies grades 4-8 and 8-12 (I minored in Psychology) This is my first year at Round Rock High School! (4 th year of teaching) I am a creative teacher, and am dedicated both to bringing technology into the classroom, and to fostering an environment where students can be themselves and speak their minds.
Tutoring Schedule I am available after school on Monday, and on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings. I am also available before and after school on any other day by appointment. I generally arrive on campus around 7:45, and leave between 4:30 and 5:00.
A note about Home Access… Home Access is Round Rock’s service for checking your child’s grades! You can access it from the Round Rock High School homepage. If you are unsure how to sign up, or your password is no longer working, you can contact your child’s counselor for more information.
Speaking of grades, how will my child be graded? Every grade falls into one of three categories: ▫Major (40% of total grade – 2-3 per six wk—big tests! ▫Minor (60% of total grade) – quizzes, daily work, HW ▫Non-Weighted (0% of total grade) – usually compliance
Another note about grading… If your child is absent and misses in assignment, that assignment will be entered as a missing, or a 0, in the grade book. This does not mean that I am unaware that your child was absent, or that your child will be penalized when the assignment is turned in. Kids just never come in and make up assignments if they don’t see that they’re missing. This is also a more accurate representation of their current grade.
Let’s take a quick website tour! _barronhttp://rrhs.roundrockisd.org/staff/english/joni _barron I post all handouts and assignments, as well as the majority of my PowerPoint presentations.
Remind 101 Text the following (in red) to (832) : 2 nd period 4 th period 6 th period 7 th period
A note for Pre-AP parents… Pre-AP English is a rigorous course designed to prepare freshmen for the challenge of AP Language junior year, and AP Literature senior year! Students should expect more rigorous assignments, and nightly reading! I hold my Pre-AP students to very high standards! This is a college prep course, and students should act accordingly!
What’s up right now in English 1? This six weeks, we are focusing on Literary writing—mostly short stories! We will be using these works as models to write our own literary pieces. Pre-AP students should also be finishing up their Summer Reading! Both novels will need to be read by the 18 th.