Introduction to the Career Education Standard (3-18) Learning Resource 1
What is the purpose of the resource? this is the first in a suite of learning resources which provides support to develop practice in career education the resource introduces the standard, context, purpose and expectations, in a logical and manageable format it is designed to support reflection on existing practice
What is needed and where can the resource be found? To engage in this professional learning activity you will need a copy of: the Career Education Standard (3-18) the learning resource These can both be found at thecurriculum/dyw/index.asp thecurriculum/dyw/index.asp
How does the resource work? The resource can be used flexibly in a number of ways for example by leadership teams, departments, faculties and individuals etc. It can be completed in bite size chunks or in one complete session. The format is as follows: ACTION – Directs you to the relevant part of the standard CONSIDER – Suggests aspects to think about or discuss – Space has been provided for you to make notes should you wish
A way in…
Links to How good is our school? Examples from HGIOS 4 Features of highly-effective practice 2.3 Learning, Teaching and Assessment Learners’ achievements in and out of school are recorded and recognised. They understand how these achievements help them develop knowledge and skills for life, learning and work. Learners receive high-quality feedback and have an accurate understanding of their progress in learning and what they need to do to improve.
National Parent Forum of Scotland nutshell
Peer support
Remember to note professional learning
What can I expect next? Further learning resources including: Understanding Career Intelligence Developing Career Management Skills Making best use of all aspects of My World of Work
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