Paved Path to a Learning Commons Elaine Allard, Coordinator of Library Technology & Access Services & Dwight Fischer, CIO Student-centered integration of information, technology and learning.
Copyright Copyright Dwight Fischer & Elaine Allard, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Plymouth State University Comprehensive, regional public university in the White Mountains of New Hampshire 5000 students Member institution of the University System of New Hampshire Learning Commons opened Sept 2006
The Lamson Learning Commons Integrated Services Library & IT Infused budget, joint oversight Writing & Tutoring Centers Commons Café Renovated space Campus centerpiece for research, computing and presentation Increased use of facility
Factors contributing to success Executive level sponsorship Well-defined decision process Attention to cultural differences Embraced project methodology Project scoped Focus was on students, always Goals and timeline established Budget allocated Responsive decision-making structure Opportune time in life of the organization Joint project leadership
Executive Sponsorship President and Cabinet Support in word and deed Helped work through organizational and individual resistance
Cultural Challenges Intra-library conflict Library and IT: Strange bedfellows Academic world meets IT world Changes to decision-making structure Organizational resistance is natural People deal with change differently
Decision Making Previous model: faculty consensus required for library decisions New model: A decision hierarchy President’s Cabinet Project Team Input from Library Input from Campus Input from Students Input from ITS
Decision making Old model Consensus driven Lengthy studies Time consuming Lack of unanimity can derail Decisions made locally New model Goals articulated Parameters provided Timeframe established Conflict and debate healthy, but not showstoppers Decision made by University
Project Methodology Initiative was a strategic direction established by the President Sponsorship by President’s Cabinet Project Charter Decision Making Structure
Signs of Change
Gate Counts:
Lessons Learned Executive sponsorship is key Decision-making structure is essential Needs to be inclusive yet adhere to project schedule Needs clear articulation Consensus is not appropriate for all decisions Project charter should be guidepost Campus support is critical Don’t be afraid to challenge assumptions
Q & A Elaine Allard Dwight Fischer