Subscribing to the RSS Feed 10/28/2013
What is an RSS Feed? What is RSS? –RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication". It is a way to easily distribute a list of headlines, update notices, and sometimes content to a wide number of people. It is used by computer programs that organize those headlines and notices for easy reading. What information does RSS provide? –RSS provides very basic information to do its notification. It is made up of a list of items presented in order from newest to oldest. Each item usually consists of a simple title describing the item along with a more complete description and a link to a web page with the actual information being described. Sometimes this description is the full information you want to read (such as the content of a weblog post) and sometimes it is just a summary. –For the Rich’s RSS feed for applicant tracking, it provides the positions that have been posted. Source: 2
Copy and paste the following link into your address bar. ?fuseaction=app.getJobListings&FO RMAT=rss&JOBPLACEMENT=exte rnal&KEYWORD=&LANGUAGE=en &VERSION=1 3
Copy and paste this link into the Internet Explorer address bar. ion=app.getJobListings&FORMAT=rss&JOB PLACEMENT=external&KEYWORD=&LAN GUAGE=en&VERSION=1 *Note: This only works in Internet Explorer 4
After pasting the link, this page will appear. 5
Click the Favorites “star” with the green arrow to add this page to your favorites. 6
After clicking the Favorites “star” with the green arrow, this pop box will display. Click Subscribe to subscribe to the Rich Products Corporation Job Listing Feed. 7
You have successfully subscribed to the feed! The Position Listings are available on your Favorites Bar. 8
Click the drop down arrow to view the available positions. 9
Click the position to learn more information. 10
Learn more about the position, and, if interested, apply at the bottom of the page. 11