WHAT? 7 CFR 225.9(d) Reimbursements are based on the number of meals served to eligible children at approved summer feeding sites during approved operating times. WHO? CFR Definitions, Attachment 1 -Children age 18 and under -19 years and over who has a mental or physical disability and who participates during the school year in a public or private non- profit school program -Age 18 and under pregnant women who receive early Head Start svc. WHERE? Eligible organizations sponsor feeding sites in needy area in which eligible participants may come to receive a meal free of charge.
What is required as a SFSP site?
Sponsor/Site Responsibilities
Site Responsibilities Meals must be served in the arranged timeframe. Meals may not be taken off-site. In other words, a child cannot take a lunch and leave. A fruit /vegetable item may be taken, however. Meals can be eaten outside or inside, where there is an adult with the program present. Each child may have one meal and if there are extras, a second meal. The sponsor is only reimbursed for a percentage of all second meals, so this practice should be used judiciously.
Who will be your sponsor ? Local school district Other sponsors Contact School and Community Nutrition for assistance in finding a sponsor!