R&D in the Czech Republic Věda v Olomouci, 27 / 11 / 2012
mission CZECHINVEST Investment & Business Development Agency to support foreign direct investment to develop local companies to implement business-development programs to improve business environment Ministry of Industry and Trade CzechInvest Investment and Business Development Agency Source: CzechInvest, 2012
CzechInvest in Numbers 1993 – 2011 Approved Projects (total) 1,798 New Jobs Created228,380 Total Investment Amount27,804 (USD million) Prestigious Awards14 Source: CzechInvest, Best Website among All Investment Promotion Agencies, World Bank (2 nd position in 2012) Inward Investment Team of the Year, Business Destinations Best Practices in Promotion Award, World Investment Forum Best Advertisement Promotion Agency in the EU Accession Countries European Investment Promotion Agency of the Year European Investment Promotion Agency of the Year
R&D Support in the Czech Republic
Nanotechnology in the Czech Republic R&D Basic Indicators Source: Czech Statistical Office, 2011
Source: National Statistical Offices, 2012 Percentage of GDP Nanotechnology in the Czech Republic Expenditure in R&D
Investment Incentives -- Act on Investment Incentives No. 72/2000 Coll., as amended Supported activities -- Manufacturing industry - Acquisition of a new or expansion of an existing plant -- Technology centres - Establishment or expansion of technology and R&D centres -- Business support services centres - Establishment or expansion of shared service centres, SW development centres or high-tech repair centres Source: Act on Investment Incentives No. 72/2000 Coll.
Structural funds Proposed operational programmes covering R&D to be implemented in the Czech Republic: Operational ProgrammeAllocation Enterprise and InnovationEUR 3,041.3 million Research and Development for InnovationEUR 2,070.7 million Education for CompetitivenessEUR 1,811.8 million Source: CzechInvest, 2012
National Programmes: Ministry of Industry and Trade T.I.P. (Technology, Information Systems, Products) – supports R&D activities in companies and research institutions in order to encourage the creation and transfer of new technologies and innovations into industrial production ensuring its efficiency and competitiveness as well as sustainable economic, social and environmental development of the Czech Republic. Source: Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2012
Czech Technology Days around the world Project intended to support international technological cooperation
Bilateral Technological Cooperation The objective of the programme is to support technological cooperation between enterprises from the Czech Republic and from a country outside the EU The project should result in production of high-tech products Areas of support: Mechanical engineering Electrical-engineering and electronics technologies Information and communication technologies Agricultural and food-processing technologies Biotechnologies Medical technologies Energy, sustainable and clean technologies Source: CI internal documents
CzechAccelerator The objective is to support innovative Czech companies in developed foreign markets.
Seed fund Main objectives: 1.Support of innovation - new financing possibilities of “good ideas“ leading to establishment of a new business or its growth, stimulation of innovation activities of SMEs and stimulation of competitiveness of Czech economy 2.Support of venture capital market development, private investors participate in the scheme 3.Effective deployment of public resources (EU and national) – business support by revolving financial instruments Source: Act on Investment Incentives No. 72/2000 Coll.
CzechInvest supports Czech NANO
Nanotechnology at CI Agency Tools of the support in 2012 Source: CzechInvest, 2012 Nanotech Exhibition, Japan (1/ 2013), (2 / 2012) ╌ First National Pavilion on nanotechnology exhibition in Japan ╌ Financial support for Czech exhibitors ╌ In cooperation with CzechTrade Nanofibers 2012, Japan (6 / 2012) ╌ Czech – Japan Technology days ╌ Czech companies presenting at the Conference
Nanotechnology in CI Tools of the support Source: CzechInvest, 2012 CzechNano Meets Germany (10 / 2012) ╌ The introduction of Czech companies & Science centers in Düsseldorf ╌ In cooperation with Czech Embassy in Germany CzechNano Meets Denmark (10 / 2012), (9/2011) ╌ The introduction of Czech companies & Science centers in Denmark ╌ In cooperation with Czech Embassy in Denmark
Nanotechnology in CI Tools of the support Source: CzechInvest, 2012 Czech – US Technology Days (3 / 2012) ╌ The introduction of Czech companies & Science centers in Chicago, Illinios, USA ╌ Czech delegation consists of Czech specialists, policy makers, and the Minister of Health of the Czech Republic Czech NANO Tech companies in Australia (10 / 2012) ╌ The introduction of Czech companies & Science centers in Australia ╌ In a cooperation with AusTrade
Nanotechnology in CI Tools of the support Source: CzechInvest, 2012 Cooperation Agreement between TUL and Shinshu University ╌ The result of Nanotech 2011 in Japan ╌ Joint research projects, technology transfer, co-organization of seminars & conferences
Thank you for your attention. Vojtěch Helikar, Investment Manager / Nanotechnology