Name: Suri Cruise Name Meaning: Princess Born on: 18th April,2006 Place of Birth: LA (Los Angeles) USA Name: Reina Rout Name Meaning: Princess Born on: 18th April,2006 Place of Birth: LA (Louisiana) USA We were both born on the same day 18th April,2006, both of our names meaning “Princess”, we both are dark-haired baby, both of our place of birth is LA, our height was 20 inches when we were born. We both are ARIES & Aries are not afraid of anything. Lets see our album ~ Reina NEXT>
Your pictures taken by celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz & my pictures taken by my dear Mom. ~ Reina NEXT>
We both know how to get our Dad’s attention. ~ Reina You know how to bring out smile on your Dad’s face & I too know how to get all love & care from my Dad. We both know how to get our Dad’s attention. ~ Reina NEXT>
My Mom says you’re the most beautiful baby but your Mom doesn't know about me this is so strange. Anyway we both are ready to give pose when we are in our Mom’s arm. ~Reina VANITY FAIR NEXT >
You have all kinds of comfort & luxury in your life but I am happy with what I have. To visit you people have to seek an appointment but my door is always open for visitors. Anyway, I wish you success on all your future endeavors. And I hope to meet you someday! Thank you so very much for just being a part in my special album. Fondly Reina Go Back